
Summary: Part 12 of this series examines the rebellion at the Tower of Babel with a direct link to the same rebellion that we see in the faith today. Our desire must be to gather to worship the Lord, in everything that we do.

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Discovering Genesis, Part 12

Genesis 11:1-9


- Last week we concluded the life of Noah and how he found favor with God

- His life was one of total submission; and he lived FOR God, not himself

- What we saw is that Noah lived and left behind him a legacy for his sons

- IMP APP: Who are you leaving a legacy too? Who is watching you?

- Who are you spending time with to disciple and change their lives?

-- 2 Tim 2:2 “And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.”

- Up until we see that Noah made a mistake; he was portrayed as the hero

- But, there is an importance to seeing that Noah was a regular man; with issues

- Noah found favor with the Lord b/c he submitted to God; he turned fully

- He was a man who struggled, had issues, and still was used by God

- APP: Many of can have this said about it today; God still uses people

- David was a murderer; Paul was a persecutor; Moses was also a murderer

- Matthew was a thief/cheat; Joshua was afraid; Jonah was disobedient;

- Noah got drunk … but notice here, Noah got drunk AFTER God used him

- Why? Because he was sin ridden; just like you and I are at this very minute

- APP: Very important to understand and grasp the importance of God’s grace

- This morning, we are going to take a look at global rebellion to God’s desire

- I would encourage you this morning to pay special attention to the Word

- We must, must see ourselves in this scripture and understand who we are

- It is in our understanding of how we are that we have opportunity to serve

- Read Genesis 11:1-9

- Pray

Point 1 – A People of Pride (1-4)

- The first thing we see here following the flood and the repopulation is UNITY

- If ever there was an opportunity for unity to be needed it is here (and here today)

- We see here there is common language; common focus; and common peace

- This people settled in a land called Shinar; in the area of Mesopotamia

-- It is a country on the lower courses of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers

- So far, this seems extremely picturesque and just about perfect

-- Of course, it’s not the Garden of Eden; but its civilized, liveable, and at peace

- I want you to see, this civilized community gets 2 verses of scripture

- In 2 verses until they absolutely trample living for God and rebel totally

- (v3) Can you just imagine the “wise men” of the time sitting around

- These were a people just loaded with themselves; and destined to rebel; why?

- B/C they took it upon themselves to decide what the next step should be

- Making brick is not the problem; brick is still used today of course

- APP: The problem comes in (v4) where their intentions/motives are revealed

- Notice the key words in v4 and v5 … they really lay it on thick:

-- “Come, let us”; “Ourselves”; “We”; “Ourselves”; “We”

- There is so much pride here that the rebellion is practically stench to Heaven

- The attitude here is NOT that they would want to build to worship God

- APP: They’ve decided that they should build a tower to make a name

- But, not only make a name, but to approach God as if He was approachable

- They have forgotten the sin of Adam and Eve; the Flood; and themselves

- It is as if they’ve assumed that they are so marvelous; they can hold counsel

- You see, it is an attitude that permeates all facets of life in human beings

- Mankind decided that we should be able to build a tower to visit God

- This attitude; this delivery of false righteousness must have stunk to God

-- APP: It is something to learn a lesson from; and to repent from

- Let me try to give you a comparison to this same type of attitude we see now

-- Wednesday night bible study brings out 4 faithful people

-- Thursday night dinner out for men and women brings 18 people

- I know that is not a comfortable truth to deal with; but the implication is clear

- Our importance to studying God’s Word and worshiping Him hasn’t changed

- How can I say that it hasn’t change? Look at their presumption of importance:

-- Build a tower so it reaches the heavens; (APP) to make a name for ourselves

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