
Summary: David was a man of God who struggled with discouragement like all of us. He wrote our text amid great difficulties. The good thing was, not only did the Lord deliver him out of his discouragement, but He also used the resulting change in David’s heart as

Intro: David was a man of God who struggled with discouragement like all of us. He wrote our text amid great difficulties. The good thing was, not only did the Lord deliver him out of his discouragement, but He also used the resulting change in David’s heart as a good example for us to learn from.

In truth, we are often discouraged, frustrated and sad when our expectation of things and situations never happen. God bless the Christian who remains faithful amid the troubles and failures of earthly life!

What are some of the things that usually cause us discouragement? What should we do about them?

1. Circumstances will discourage you IF you let them. (Rom. 8:35, 38-39). “Hope for the best but prepare for the worst,” so goes the saying. When bad things happen even to good people like you, refuse to be ruled by fear knowing that it’s not the end of the world yet. God is still here and in control! (Heb. 13:5). His presence assures you of comfort, and strength from anything outside His perfect will. The will of God will never lead you to a point where the grace of God cannot sustain you!

2. People will discourage you iF you let them. (Psa. 25:19; II Cor. 11:26; Matt. 10:36) Enemies will hate and scare us. Rivals at school, work, love or business will ruin you. Even some of our friends, brethren and relatives will hurt you IF you let them, but don’t let them discourage you! (See Prov. 16:7)

3. Problems will discourage you IF you let them. (I Thes. 3:3-4; Phil. 4:12-13) Through Christ we have been prepared and fortified to withstand and overcome any problem. He gives us the courage, determination and power to triumph in trials and tribulations. This is God’s guaranteed and fail-safe promise that is left unclaimed by Christians. No wonder we are discouraged! (See Col. 1:11)

4. Tragedies will discourage you IF you let them. (Job 14:1) Undesired events like: calamities, disasters, wars, accidents, sickness, death, wrought by the force of nature or man will come one way or another. Such can cause great lost and sorrow, but the Lord gave us His assurance in John 16:33.

5. Setbacks will discourage you IF you let them. (Prov. 13:12) Don’t surrender to the urge to let any setbacks defeat your heart spirit. We have this promise from God – Psa. 145:19. God is willing but not hasty about fulfilling His promises for those who obey Him. Like David, we have to wait patiently.

6. Attitudes will discourage you IF you let them. (Rom. 7:18-19) Not all the main sources of discouragement come from without. Some of them come from within us. Have you ever felt ashamed of God because of bad attitudes, habits or addictions that you find hard to discard? (See Rom. 7:24-25)

7. Sins of commission and omission will discourage you IF you let them. We all sin in conscious and unconscious ways, but by asking God for forgiveness and cleansing of our hearts and minds, we are given a second, third or fourth chance of starting all over again (I John 1:9; 2:1).

Conclusion: Brethren, the bad news is: hardships are here to stay. They are part of following Jesus Christ as our Lord. The good news is: God’s grace is sufficient for the most difficult situations to keep us encouraged. Thru God’s grace, daily resolve not to be discouraged by man, things and situations. With God, all things are possible. If God be for us, who or what can be against us and defeat us – NOTHING if we refuse and don’t let anything discouraged us.

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