Discipleship Means Total Commitment Series
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Many know the story of Saul’s conversion – but many miss the meaning of it and how it applies to Christians today. (Acts 9:1-19)
Discipleship Means Total Commitment
Acts 9:1-19
- Not all of us have everything together – especially in the church
-- When it comes to dwelling together we often rub each other the wrong way
-- Saul’s conversion gives a unique backstage look into our own lives
-- I want us to see in this text today the marvelous work of Christ in His church
- Jesus is always to be the cornerstone of any church
-- If Christ is not the center; then we are a social club of like-minded people
-- This makes serving inward directed to a point of self-gratification
- Paul had a serious issue with the church because it offended his thinking
-- Everything that he knew; every bit of knowledge he had; centered on himself
-- This is the perversion of a non-Christ centered church and its attenders
-- This is the danger we must fight against and be on guard for - always
- Charles H. Spurgeon wrote, “I believe that every Christian ought to be joined to some visible church; that is his plain duty, according to the Scriptures. God’s people are not dogs, else they might go about one by one; but they are sheep, and therefore they should be in flocks.”
- We are called to join together (see Hebrews 10:24-25)
-- The church is not a temple for the elect; but a sanctuary for messed up lives
- This calling is what brings us here today and what the text reveals about us
-- Many know the story of Saul’s conversion – but most miss the meaning of it
-- This is where we land today … please stick with me – lots to see here today
- Read Acts 1:1-19
Point 1 – When God calls, what do you say? (1-5)
- Saul, a servant of Rome and a well-educated Pharisee is persecuting
-- How do we know he was educated? Galatians 1:14, “I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers.”
- Saul is bent on upholding traditions; and he isn’t changing for anyone
-- Much like we see in church today: “this is how we’ve done it and that is that”
-- Paul is a man who is willing to go all out to ensure “his way” is protected
- The bible records that He was specifically targeting followers of the Way
-- Note: Early Believers called themselves followers of the Way
-- Why? John 14:6, “Jesus said I am the way, the truth, and the life …”
-- Later in Acts 24:14, Saul (Paul) admits he too is a follower of the Way
- So here we see a man who has the permission of Rome to seek out “rebels”
-- Note: Anyone who goes against Rome and Roman law is to be removed
- It is important to note that Rome rules by fear and with a massive army
-- Saul has full support and most likely a whole team of soldiers supporting
- Now, in v5 we see another appearance of Jesus; but look at Saul’s response
- “Who are you, LORD?!?” Saul, Mr. Know-It-All, calls Jesus … “Lord”
- APP: Why? HIS SOUL KNEW ITS CREATOR – just as we should!
-- There was something deep in him that made him realize who’s in charge
- It is amazing that we see here: When God calls, what is your response?
- Saul calls Him “Lord” and on his face – prostrate – cries out in total submission
- This response is what we need to get more of today; we need to submit to Him
- Falling before the Lord is not an act or a show; but it is an act of submission
- Saul asks who He is, and the response is a clear identification to Saul
-- So, when God calls out to us … what do YOU say?
- TRANS: Even better, when God calls out are we even listening?
Point 2 – When God calls, are you listening? (6-16)
- Saul receives clear orders to GET UP (Acts 1:11) and continue on his path
- But notice, he is now blind (v8) and has to be led by hand to the city
- The once pompous, arrogant, and smart man is reduced to a blind beggar
-- APP: What a perfect picture of us when we realize we aren’t in charge!
- Enter into the picture, Ananias (different from Ch 5 of course …)
-- He is a servant, spending time doing the best thing we could ever do: praying
-- God calls Him clearly to do something; and still he has reservations
-- His conversation with God shows us that he has a fellowship with God