
Summary: God will help us develop a "thick skin" to resist the fiery darts of the devil. He is our all. This sermon speaks of some of the different names of our Jehovah God.

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Develop Your Rhino Skin!

By Pastor Jim May

Life is filled with circumstances that are all too often beyond by control. We often have to walk into some very rough paths. I thank God for the mountains, when I feel like I’m on top of the world and everything is going my way. But the problem is that the mountaintop experience only lasts for a moment for it seems that most of life is spent in either climbing out of the valley to reach the mountaintop, or going down from the mountaintop into the valley. The wondrous thing that I have noticed is that as faith grows and we learn to trust in the Lord, even though the mountains and valleys are still there, the valleys don’t seem to be so deep as they once were and the mountaintops are more like a plateau than a peak.

When I was younger in the Lord, spiritually speaking of course, since I’m not “old” yet, I would have some high highs and some very low lows. The roller coaster ride was a dizzying experience. From the ecstasy of victory at the top of the mountain, to the agony of defeat in valley of decision, to the ecstasy of victory at the top of the mountain, to the agony of defeat in the valley one more time. Then it would be time to get out of bed and face the day. I can’t say that every day is now lived on the mountaintop, but at least I can make it through most of the morning before the roller coaster starts rolling once again.

This world, with its tests, trials, sickness, death and sin, has a way of throwing you a curve ball pretty consistently. That’s why a prayer life is so very important. I’ve learned, through the school of hard knocks, that starting the day with prayer, and maintaining an attitude of prayer all the times, will help to dull the effects of the waves of negativity that are bound to come against me.

I’m so glad that I know God and my greatest desire is to know Him more.

But there have been times, and sad to say, there still are a few times, when I fall prey to the effects of this world’s troubles. I know that none of you fall into that trap, right?!! I’m not so foolish as to believe that I’m above falling into the devil’s traps from time to time, no matter how much I try not to let anything get under my skin.

Years ago I belonged to a club called “The Rhino Club”. It was nothing more than a group of men who came together to encourage one another and to help one another develop a “thick skin” against any outside attacks or negative influences. Someone with a “Rhino Skin” learned to take the blame for much of the troubles around them, even if they really weren’t to blame at all. They learned that the sharp arrows that fly from the tongues and the daggers from the eyes of people who tried to attack them just couldn’t have any effect upon them because their “Rhino Skin” wouldn’t allow those barbs to penetrate and change our attitude. Maybe it’s time we started a “Rhino Club” in the church! I know a lot of people who really need to develop a “thick skin” and get their feelings off the surface where everyone can hurt them.

A “Rhino Club” member learns that no one can hurt your feelings if you don’t let them do it. A “Rhino Club” member learns to take the best that the worst gossip in the church can dish out and just learn to ignore it. A “Rhino Club” member doesn’t have time to worry about what other people think about him, he’s too busy developing his own attitudes into the right attitudes. There’s just no time for petty differences, useless arguments, hurt feelings and discouragement. Life just has too much to offer to spend most of it in a pity party.

A “Rhino Club” member must always remember the source of his provision, his power and his joy. That source is in God and because it is in God, no man can shake it!

We must remember that the Lord God Jehovah, is our God!

In Exodus 17:8-16, my God is named Jehovah –NISSI - The Lord is my banner. I follow his banner and His banner over me is Love, a love that no man can destroy without my permission.

In Jeremiah 23:1-6, He is Jehovah – Tsidkenu – The Lord is my righteousness. I can’t earn righteousness. I can’t buy righteousness. But I am righteousness because of the Blood of the Lamb. Jesus righteousness is my righteousness and no man can take that away.

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