
Summary: How we think determines how you believe, and eventually how you act and respond to life. The battlefield is certainly in the mind. Like a tree cannot help that birds comes and nest in it, we cannot stop the thoughts from entering.

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How we think determines how you believe, and eventually how you act and respond to life. The battlefield is certainly in the mind. Like a tree cannot help that birds comes and nest in it, we cannot stop the thoughts from entering. However, we can raise a standard against it, in order that it does not take root, become a legal argument and eventually a stronghold. 2 Cor 10:4-5

The good news is, those who are in Christ received a renewed mind, the spirit of our mind being activated, Eph 4:23 and creating a conflict between old mindsets, and the mind of Christ within. Rom 12:2

Like a post office we should order and rule the thoughts “mail” coming into our thoughts. But not all mail coming in should be opened, it was not addressed to us. It is junk mail. We should apply the spam filters of the Holy Spirit, the Word, Good sound Doctrine, and Wise Godly Counsel.

In order for us to break through in every area of life, we need to learn to think like God.

The characteristics of someone who has His mind is evident in Christ: and can be tested.

MIND OF CHRIST: But we have the mind of Christ 1 Cor 2:16 It is interesting to note, that Paul declares, we already have the mind of Christ. This mind is given by the Holy Spirit, if you study the whole chapter carefully. The Mind of Christ is thus the Spirit’s mind, the father’s mind. By faith we say; “I have the mind of Christ”

like the poor say they are rich, the weak say they are strong. Joel 3:10 but also the Spirit helps us and teaches us the mind and will of God. Joh 14:26 I will put My law in their minds, and write it on their hearts. Jer 31:34; you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things 1 John 2:20

Love God with ALL YOUR MIND - And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength Mark 12:30; Isaiah 26:3 Whose mind is stayed on Him. To be God inside minded. Conscious of Him continually. This is why we meditate on the Word continually. Like someone who is in love, God is camping in our heads. Our minds are infatuated with Him. It requires focus. We focus our mind on the things above. Col 3:1; Phil 4:8

WILLING MIND: For if there is first a willing mind, it is accepted… 2 Cor 8:12 Chantal has a beautiful picture of the posture of obedience, is to be ready to obey, even before you have heard the command. This speaks of an attitude of being ready to serve, give yourself, and risk because of your complete trust in the one who makes the request. Mat 11:25-30 His yoke is easy… unforced rhythms of grace. Hesitation, passivity and procrastination are all works of the flesh, and a carnal mind rooted in fear. The willing mind is rooted in absolute trust, like a gymnastic circus acrobat trust their partner completely, without hesitation.


1 Cor 1:10; Gal 5:10; Phil 1:27 This is vital to one’s spiritual survival to keep in sync with what the Spirit is doing in the rest of the body. Like in a choir, we are not only sensitive to our own voice, but those around me. I adjust regularly because of the input and synergy I feel with the body. Christ within and amongst us. Col 1:27 You can tune your instrument without a tuner, but will not be able to play with the orchestra. Jesus is the standard Tuner, we are all tuned into Him, and then harmonize with each other.

SOUND MIND: Most translations translate this word, self-control, or self-discipline. 2Tim 1:7 The root word means literally a ‘saved’ mind, like saved from its lower state to a higher reality. This is how you control your passions and desires, by have a saved, godly, heaven-focussed mind about it. This is how you rule, by looking at the temporary rewards and seeing the eternal rewards and glory. Being aware of God’s final Judgement. Like an athlete competing and exercising their bodies because of the reward of winning a olympic medal, we train and buffet our bodies into subjection of a heavenly reward. 1 Cor 9:27

SOBER MIND Therefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ 1 Pet 1:13 Fundamental to Jesus' life was His reasonableness, level-headedness, soundness of mind, common sense. Since a young boy he reasoned with the scribes and pharisees in the temple. The gospel in its essence is common sense. Christianity is the one religion in the world which demands a daring and continuous use of the intellect. Think! One of Jesus' favorite ways of teaching was by asking questions and stating the obvious.

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