
Summary: What is church in the business of doing? Are we suppose to grow? Whose fault is it if we don't? I hope to answer some of these questions for us.

I’m sure most of us can recall great stirring sermons that have helped and motivated us on the subject of church growth. There are many aspects to growth, such as soul winning, being a good witness for Christ. If a church is going to grow it also needs a healthy membership that will follow the guidelines of godly living as directed by the word of God. Ephesians 4:1-4.

It also helps if the membership is friendly, caring, and concerned about those around them. The body of believers must also love one another. This is the most powerful ingredient of any church. 1 John 4:19-20

The church should have a program that meets the needs of the people. It must preach the truth and stand for that truth. There are a multitude of things we could preach about concerning positive church growth. Have you ever stopped and asked yourself, “What are some deterrents to church growth?”

What are some of the aspects within a church that would hinder its growth? Jesus said the gates of hell should not prevail against the church. Yet we ourselves can hinder us. How?

I. Loose Talk Can Hinder Our Growth

1. What a powerful sermon, Solomon preached on the subject of words, and talk, in the book of Proverbs. 10:19; 13:13; 26:20-23; James 3:2-10

2. The church is made up of people and the fact is “That problems in the church are caused by people.” AMEN!!!

3. While we cannot stop it all, we can certainly stop our involvement in it.

a. Loose talk never solved a problem, it only makes it worse.

b. You shouldn’t be involved in loose talk, and you shouldn’t listen to loose talk.

II. Looking Back Can Hinder Growth

1. I suppose if there is an area where I would have to confess it would be this one, but what good has ever come of this.

a. Talking about accomplishments in the past

b. The problem is we will never go forward if we can’t get past the past successes.

2. Paul had learned a great lesson about forgetting the past and looking to the future. Philippians 3:13-14

3. Jesus knew the danger of looking back and warned, “Remember Lot’s wife.” Luke 17:32

a. One of the greatest hinderances to church growth is simply remembering things we need to forget.

III. Lack of Vision Hinders Church Growth

1. We are urged over and over again to see the harvest. John 4:35

2. And our trouble is that we only have a few that are willing to build and invest in the future of this church.

3. I feel we need a good old-fashioned dose of obedience to the word of God.

a. Most of us have lost our vision.

b. We are blind, cannot see.

c. Sad thing is that we just don’t care.

4. If there was a sin we could lay at the feet of Joshua, it would be found in Judges 2:8-10

IV. Listening to the Wrong People Hinders Church Growth

1. How careful we ought to be about who gets our attention.

a. There are some who are “too wise” that we listen to.

b. Proverbs 14:7; Romans 16:17-18; Titus 1:1-15

2. I have been guilty of that and so have you. We often listen to the critic who implies that he speaks for the multitude.

3. At times we operate on the principle, the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and we ignore and slight the dedicated men and women in our church.

V. Unwillingness to Make a Real Sacrifice Hinders Church Growth

1. Perhaps nothing is so prominently seen in our church growth now as this.

2. We want a magic formula that will bring us instant success and we have a strong preference for those things that will not require a great deal of effort on our part.

3. We seem to have forgotten that the very first requirement of following Jesus is to deny self. Matthew 16:24

4. I am convinced that your service, your ministry, should cost you something. There should be some self-denial. If there is not, I doubt seriously if you are really serving.

VI. Promoting Cliques, Being Friendly with Just Our Friends Hinders Church Growth

1. Every one of us can help tremendously in changing the image of our church. We just have to be willing to put forth the effort. Proverbs 18:24

2. Jesus warned against exclusive friendships in Luke 14:12-14. It is sad when someone says, “He never talks to anyone except so and so.”

a. They have their own little crowd.

b. That kind of conduct never helps the church to grow.

VII. Relying on the Professionals Hinders Church Growth

1. This is seen in the soul winning efforts, teaching, or care of the church buildings. It is easy to say, “That’s not my job.”

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