


I am sure we have all read all the different miraculous stories of those who took that extra step in Faith and by doing so,recieved a wonderful miracle in their life.There are many of these stories throughout God’s Word. But for me there is one story that stands out amongst many others.

It is the story of how a handful of friends and their Faith & Determination to help another made a difference in their friends life and possibly their own. This story is found in Mark 2nd chapter. Wouldn’t it be awesome to know that you had a friend with so much Godly love,determination and faith that they were willing to do anything or whatever it took for you to be whole again? Whether it be physical or spiritual.Wouldn’t we all like a friend like this?

So often in this our present time I know that we wish we had someone in our life that had such faith that they knew anything is possible with them on our side.When our Faith gets low it is good to know that there are others who will be their to lift us up and encourage us. This is what can happen to those who have the faith along with determination.

Our story begins in a city called Capernum. Then he came to a city called Capernum,word had spread far and wide that Jesus was in this house. Now I am sure that we all have been somewhere or have gone to some event that the crowds were so large that you could barely move around.So picture if you will the many people who had came just to be able to get close to Jesus. There were so many in fact that no one could get through,and there was no room to receive all who had came.

But Jesus preached the word unto them,remember that Faith comes by hearing the word. Jesus was preaching the word when along came four friends carrying their friend that was sick with palsy (paralysis) . When they had got there they saw how large the crowds were and they knew they couldn’t get through by normal means.Isn’t that the way things usally go?How the Devil will try and stop something great from happening.

But here is the interesting part,where most would turn around and go back home they did not they were determined.They knew there was no turning back.Praise God! This is the kind of Faith we all need. Now they could have probaly waited and hoped there might be a chance to see this man called Jesus. But instead they took action and made it happen. They had such a determination that they were going to get their friend to Jesus one way or another.

They knew it was going to take some drastic measures that Jesus would notice right away. Now keep in mind the large crowd around them,so what did they do? I know said one friend,"We will go to the roof." Now climbing the roof is hard enough to do when it is just yourself,but when there are four of you carrying another it is very difficult.But carry him they did. Once they got to the roof they cut through and tore off the roof and lowered their friend down,Now scripture doesn’t say but I just imagine it was someones home that they did not know.They were not concerned for theirselves.Now that would surely get my attention if someone came down through the roof of the home I was visiting,just to get to someone.But this just wasn’t anyone it was Jesus.

When Jesus saw how great their Faith & Determination was he spoke ,"Son thy sins be forgiven thee. Praise God! isn’t it wonderful to know that although there may be those friends who are not willing or determined for you,that we do not have to rely on them.When friends fail us when family fail us,I know a God who will never fail us when we go directly to his the throne of God ourselves. Never giving up but keeping the determination and faith that God will never fail.

Sometimes you may go through trials and tribulations so that you can grow stronger spiritually.It is through these times that God can see our Faith.If we stand or fall in our faith. Remember that what you go through mayhelp someone else to benefit from what you learn.Remember that Jesus is that friend ,a friend who is willing to push through millions of others just to get to you,because of your faith and your determination. Never give up!

Deborah J.Baird


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Paul Ogundipe

commented on Jan 4, 2019

This is an awesome 👌 story from the Bible. The picture and background was awesome. Lessons well taken. Thanks.

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