Desperate For God!
Contributed by Bala Samson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Friend, many of our situations have not reached the ‘stinking level’ or ‘ the sinking level’ which would surely drive us to fall face down before God!
Desperate for God!
Mark 5:23"My little daughter is at the point of death. Come and lay your hands on her, so that she may be made well and live."
Mr.Abdul Ahad Rah, 80 years old father of two sons who were jailed fifteen years back, pushed through a massive crowd and reached the first security cordon. He looked at the podium from where Mr.Narendra Modi, addressed the crowd and realized the futility of his attempt, because he was 30 metres away from the gathering. Mr.Rah carried a bunch of documents pertaining to his sons, when asked about his desperate effort to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi, he said: “I deeply feel that the Prime Minister has a kind heart, I thought if I breached the cordon, the Prime Minister would let me talk to him. I just want to see my sons once before death takes me away.”
The above news moved my heart! When you’re desperate I guess you would take all risk, break all barricades, cross oceans and climb mountains! The 80 years old father made a frantic attempt because he felt that the Prime Minister has a kind heart, he felt the Prime Minister would have mercy on him and end his fifteen years of misery and give him a chance to have a glance at his two sons. Forget about their release, he had not even met them in the last 15 years! Alas! I cannot think of anything more miserable! Can you? Every evening I meet my children Shalina and Joshua when they get back, as though I had not seen them for ages! I can feel the agony of that father!
One of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name, when he saw Jesus, he fell at his feet and pleaded Jesus to come to his house because his daughter was at the point of death. I only wish people in desperate situations would seek God like this dad Jairus! He did get the attention of Jesus when he created a ruckus in the crowd and eventually he got back his dead daughter alive because of his right approach! Are you listening?
Friend, many of our situations have not reached the ‘stinking level’ or ‘ the sinking level’ which would surely drive us to fall face down before God! I have watched Christians frantically run to police station and lawyers to solve family disputes and alas they have forgotten to run to their Heavenly Father who is waiting to help them! Did He not say:” call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me."(Psalm 50:15) Desperate! Desperate! Do you know how it feels? Do you know how it feels when the doctor tells you that you have to do an emergency operation right away? Do you know how it feels when you have no funds to pay the fees of your children on the day of examination? Do you know how it feels when some strangers come and instruct you to evacuate, for no fault of yours? I have gone through everything that I have talked above and much more; yet, God has been my Savior and Helper who stood by me, for me and with me!
Desperate! Yes, I wake up when it is still very dark in the morning and I pray along with my husband with loud mourning and supplications because I’m desperate to have HIM in my life. Jesus is not only merciful, kind and compassionate but He also calmly listens to my ‘nonsense’ puts up with my craziness, saves me during my foolishness, holds me during my weakness and hugs me in my feebleness!
I’m desperate for Him!