
Summary: Knowing what we truly desire in our spiritual formation


Jeremiah 24:1-7

1. Desire to know Him well

• Knowing Jesus is by knowing the Scriptures

• But Knowing Him is simply experiencing Christ in your life

• It means experiencing the word with you

• To experience Him is having a close personal relationship with Him

• Ex. Husband & wife, or a friend. Even our children

• Go back to what Jesus ask to the disciples on (Luke 9:18)

• Knowing Him is accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior (Jeremiah 24:7)

2. Desire to Praise & Worship

• Praise – is an act in which we acknowledge God’s dominion over us & His perfection

• Worship – is derived from the Old English worthscipe, meaning worthiness or worth-ship — to give, at its simplest, worth to something

• Combined, it is an attitude of gratitude & happiness

• It is also an action of our faith

• It is the language of our faith

• David was blessed by God because he promised to bless the Lord at all times and His praise shall continually in his mouth… (Psalm 34:1)

• He also said… that God inhabits the praise of his people… (Psalm 22:3)

• As a disciple, we always gauge the faith of the community by the way they Praise & Worship the Lord

3. Desire for His Righteousness

• The Lord said… Blessed are they who hunger and thirst (desire) for righteousness, for they will be satisfied (Matthew 5:6)

• Righteousness of God is not for us being righteous to ourselves and to other people

• It is simply doing God’s will and being right with God and surrendering our will to God

• Jesus said… Seek first the kingdom of God & his Righteousness (Matthew 6:33)

• To seek means to desire it first

• Desire God’s Righteousness and not the world righteousness

4. Desire for His Kingdom

• Jesus also said to seek His Kingdom (Matthew 6:33)

• Where is the Kingdom of God?

• If it is where Jesus is, there is His kingdom

• It is where his sovereign power, there is His Kingdom

• It is where we can truly say to our self that He is the Lord, then therefore we are in His kingdom

5. Desire for His Glory

• Desire for the spirit of Christ manifest in our life

• That everything that we do & say, it is Christ is being glorified.

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