
Summary: (with Dick Holden) (PRIORITY AND PRIVILEGE OF GIVING) 1.

(with Dick Holden)


1. Desire -- Example of Macedonians (:1-5)

a. Context of giving

1) much affliction

2) deep poverty

b. Nature of giving

1) according to their ability and beyond

2) gave of their own accord

3) begging to participate

4) gave themselves first to the Lord -- then to Paul

2. Duty -- Call to the Corinthians (:6-15)

a. Attitude (needed to be changed)

1) giving proves sincerity of love

2) Christ an example of love

b. Practical exhortation

1) complete what you've purposed

2) by your ability

3) according to what a man has

c. Result = Equality

not a redistribution of wealth but matching abundance with need

3. Practical Applications -- Factors to consider in giving

a. Circumstances can't dictate giving

b. Our relationship to Christ is key (must first be committed to Him)

c. Giving proves our love

d. We give from what we have

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