
Summary: God loves us so much and He demonstrated the love to us with evidence that is too real to be doubted.

The Demonstration of God's Love

Study Text: Romans 5:5 - 8


One of the deepest needs of our hearts is to be loved by others. Not only do we want to be loved, but we want also for others to make that love known to us. We want to see a demonstration of their love. We want to hear others say something or do something that lets us know they love us.

Many people recognize this need for love and readily give and accept love at its various levels.

However, sometimes people despair of ever being loved. Moreover, they find it difficult to love others.

An even deeper need is to be loved by God and to see a demonstration of His love. People who believe in God usually will admit that they desire to experience His love. Even when people deny the existence of God, they need His love. They may not admit they have this need, but the need is still there. We must realize that even when others do not love us, God intensely loves us.

We shall be discussing the topic under three subheadings:

1. The Description of God's Love

2. The Dimensions of God's Love

3. The Distinction of God's Love

1. The Description of God's Love

The message of the gospel is not just about God saying He loves us. It is about God showing and proving that He loves us. This is why the real proof of love is not just by what you say, it is by what you do. As much as God could say He loves us if He left us in our sinful condition, without offering a way out, then that would not be love.

The demonstration of His love leads to this one great act, Christ dying for you and me. The greatest treasure of heaven was sacrificed to win back the worst sinners on earth. That is why if you ever run into a place where you question just how much God loves you, simply remember the cross. This is the forever reminder and proof of how great God’s love is for you.

2. The Dimensions of God's Love:

The love of God is something that is referenced a lot. We sing about it. We read about it in the Scriptures. But even though we refer to the love of God a lot, it is still something that many Christians misunderstand, or even doubt.

For some, there is a struggle to believe that God does in fact really love them personally. Sure, God is love, but we know our weaknesses and deep down there may be doubts about the fullness of God’s love for us.

On the other hand there are those who herald God’s love all the while believing that somehow they have earned it. That God continues to love us because of our faithfulness or good works.

Both of these errors lead to the belief that the love of God is not certain – that if we change, then His love may change. And yet this is not the teaching of the Bible.

God’s loves for us has been proven and applied, apart from our earning it or deserving it.

The love of God for us can be discussed in several dimensions:

1. The Dimension of Eternal Salvation

The major purpose of the love of God for is to purchase for us eternal salvation. John 3: 16

2. The Dimension of Divine Protection

God is committed to our divine protection through His love for us.

He gave us power over all the powers of the enemy and promised to secure us against all their attacks. John 10: 19 - 20

3. The Dimension of Divine Provisions

One of the purpose of the death of Christ is our well being in all ramifications. 2 Corinthians 8:9, Philippians 4:19

4. The Dimension of Divine Presence

Through the love of God, His presence go with us always irrespective of the situation we find ourselves. Psalms 23: 1 - 6, Romans 8:28

5. The Dimension of Divine Peace

God is committed to answer our prayers and to give us peace that cannot be explained. Philippians 4:6 - 7

6. The Dimension of Divine Power

God has given us Powe through the gift of the Holy Spirit, and by His power we are entitled to supernatural manifestations. Acts 1:8, Mark 16: 17 - 18

3. The Distinction of God's Love:

1. We were unlovely but God loved us anyway.

God didn't wait on us to make ourselves presentable. That would never have happened.

2. We were ungodly, but God desired to put us in the family of God. John 1: 11 - 12

He showed us the pathway to become His Children and helped us to walk in the path.

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