
Summary: There is power in God to demolish strongholds. Dont stay in captivity.


For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Cor 10:3-5

God has given us His power to demolish strongholds. What is a stronghold?

A stronghold is any arguments or pretension that “sets itself up against the knowledge of God.” That thing that makes you experience the opposite of what God promised you in His word is a stronghold. It could be a curse, covenant, habit, tradition, belief; anything that says ‘No’ to what god says is a stronghold.

A stronghold is that problem or challenge that appears to be bigger than God in our lives. Whether the stronghold is a superstitious belief, an addiction, wrong thoughts, and despair over a loss, etc. – it is something that consumes our emotional and mental strength and weakens our faith in God; hence we must demolish it. We must keep telling ourselves – nothing is bigger or more powerful than God! Nothing can go against the Word of God!

One great way to demolish stronghold is to pray, especially in the spirit:

Eph 6:18 “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.”

We fight when we pray. We fight on our knees with the word of God as our sword! Prayer and God’s word have divine power to demolish any stronghold.

Many people have got themselves addicted to certain habits that enslave (illicit sex, drunkenness, smoking, partying, masturbation, lesbianism, homosexuals, etc ; with the word of God and prayers, you can be free from them today. As you pray these prayers, may every stronghold in your life get demolished in Jesus name. Amen.


1. Father, I know the thought you think towards me are thoughts of good (Jer. 29:11), I therefore pray that any though on the mind of man that is against your own thought for my life be melted in Jesus name.

2. Father, by the power of your word, let everything I do that does not bring glory to your name become irritating to me, and help me stop it instantly in Jesus name.

3. Lord, every challenge am facing that has weakened my faith, intervene now and let it end in Jesus name.

4. My father, every tradition that I hold on to, that contradicts your word, from today, let me drop it and take hold of your word in Jesus name.

5. Father, by fire, destroy in me appetites for whatever destroys the spirit and is a cancer to the soul in Jesus name.

6. My Father, every situation confronting that may want to force my head to bow in shame; I command it now to break into pieces in Jesus name.

7. Father, as I walk through this month, give me the grace never to walk into sin and keep me from falling into temptation in Jesus name.

8. Daddy, make me thick; fortify me that no stronghold will ever hold me down in Jesus name.

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