
Summary: As Peter was delivered from prison, we can experience miracles ourselves.

Delivered! How we can experience miracles in our lives.

February 8, 2009

Do you need a miracle? Have you experienced a miracle…lately?

Review: God of suffering: Thriving in Adversity. Acts 11

Text Acts 12:1-24: From bad to worse…

We can experience miracles of deliverance…

I. By understanding the pre-requisite for a miracle: That you need one. 1-4 (Expect miracles in hard times)

James was dead…Things weren’t looking good for Peter.

1. Because miracles come in the worst moments in life.

2. Because God is not threatened by our circumstances - "I will build my church!"

Blessed is the man that endures temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, James 1:12

II. By praying instead of explaining…but prayer was made…v. 5

1. Because miracles are not logical.

2. Because if we can explain it, it probably is not a miracle.

3. Because past experience does not determine future possibilities.

Maybe we would experience more miracles if we stop trying to understand everything.

III. By resting in God’s Sovereignty…Peter was sleeping… v. 6

1. Because God’s peace passes our understanding. Philippians 4:7

2. Because we cannot break our own chains.

3. Because we are not in charge of miracles!

Perhaps we don’t experience more miracles because we fix things ourselves.

IV. When we look for God in the worst situations: …an angel of the Lord stood next to him v. 7

1. Because miracles come in hard times. (NT Culture)

2. Because God steps into our mess personally…He comes in the flesh.

And they that know your name will put their trust in you: for you, LORD, have not forsaken them that seek you. Psalm 9:10

Are we really expecting God to show up?

V. When we act in faith…believe… dress yourself v. 8

1. Because God breaks the chains, but we have to get dressed.

2. Because we have to put on our sandals! Get to stepping!

Ephesians 6:15 Feet shod with the preparation of the Gospel

How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news Ro. 10:15

Perhaps God is tapping us on the shoulder…get up! Put on your shoes!

VI. By understanding the purpose of miracles: the angel left him v 10

1. Miracles bring people to Jesus: Acts 12:24 (NLT) But God’s Good News was spreading rapidly, and there were many new believers.

2. Because God still goes to “prisons” and breaks “chains”

Keep on knocking! Keep telling your story! Even if they call you “crazy”

3. Because some things we call “normal” may be in fact miracles.

God is doing miracles all around us. Choose to see the good!

4. Because you are a miracle! Your story needs to be told!

5. Because the greatest miracles is a life changed by God.

God will do miracles for those who are willing to tell the story!

How we can experience deliverance from God:

1. Expect a miracle (don’t fear hard times)

2. Pray for a miracle (don’t try to understand it)

3. Rest in God (don’t try to fix it yourself)

4. Look for God (don’t just look at the problem)

5. Act on God’s direction (get going)

6. Tell your story (even if it seems crazy)

Prayer: Lord we need miracles! Help us to look to you in hard times, to pray more, to trust more in you than ourselves, to rest in your peace, to see the good you are doing all around us, to get up when you call us, and tell others what you have done!

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