
Summary: No matter how hard you try, the devil can never be your friend. The enemy can never be friendly with you because of this great statement in the word of God: “It shall bruise thy head and thou shall bruise his heel.” It refers to some important parts of th

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Beloved, I would like you to read this week’s message carefully and prayerfully because it concerns everybody. It is entitled, “Deliverance of the brain.” In Genesis 3:15, we see one of the most profound verses in the scriptures. It says, “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed. It shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”

No matter how hard you try, the devil can never be your friend. The enemy can never be friendly with you because of this great statement in the word of God: “It shall bruise thy head and thou shall bruise his heel.” It refers to some important parts of the body. You can bruise a person’s heel and the person will still be alive but when you bruise the head, and it is completely broken, the person will be finished. I would like you to take this scripture in Genesis 3:15 to heart.

Let us look at another scripture in 2 Samuel 1:16: “And David said unto him, Thy blood be upon thy head; for thy mouth hath testified against thee, saying, I have slain the Lord’s anointed.” Again we see the head being referred to here. The book of Psalm 7:16 says, “His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violent dealing shall come down upon his own pate.” It says, “His mischief shall return upon his own head.” And the popular Psalm 23:5 says, “Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; thou anointest my head with oil, my cup runneth over.” It is the head that was anointed to make the cup to run over. The book of Leviticus 19:26 says, “Ye shall not eat any thing with the blood: neither shall ye use enchantments, nor observe times.” There is a reason for this commandment. The head is the symbol of your destiny. It is an important part of the body and the most important part actually. A person may lack legs and still be alive. A person may lack two hands and still be alive. I have seen a person who did not have legs and was still living. It is possible for a person not to have two legs and two hands and still be alive. It is even possible for a person to lack one internal organ or the other and still remain alive. I know a sister whose internal organs were practically removed due to cancer but she was still talking. But it is not possible to see a headless person that is alive. It is the head that houses the skull, eyes, nose, ears, mouth and brain. The brain is the coordinating center of the whole body. This is why it has not been possible in medicine to transfer the brain of somebody to another body, because taking the brain of one person to another is like changing the person completely. The human brain is so powerful that it is more superior to the computer. Although every animal has some form of brain, the human brain is completely unique. It gives us the power to speak, think, complain, imagine, control our body temperature, control our blood pressure, etc. It is the brain that enables you to think, dream and reason. This is why in deliverance, it is understood that once the spirit of death enters the brain, it becomes a very serious matter.

Sometime ago, in a town called Akure during a night crusade, there was a word of knowledge that there was somebody there whose brain was caged, that once the person got home, he should look under his bed and he would know why his brain was failing him. There was a certain brilliant student in that crusade. He was always the best in all his class work. But during examinations, he would drop his pen and sleep off only to wake up after the examination. However, the school kept promoting him because the teachers could not understand why the person who came tops in all class work cannot take examinations. So, that night when the boy got home, he looked under his bed not expecting to see anything actually, but as he did, he saw an ancient small pot. He brought it out and inside the pot was something that looked like a human brain dipped inside palm oil. What happened was that any time he had exams to write, the oil would congeal and he would sleep off in the exam hall. After the exams, the oil would melt and he would become alert and brilliant again. This happened live; the pot was brought to the crusade. Two things puzzled me:

1. How could his brain be inside the pot and still be inside his head?

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Christine Smith

commented on Jun 22, 2017

This is what my family is going through. Thank you so much for this sermon. My husband and daughter have attention deficit and my husband had double bypass surgery two years ago and has never been the same. It has wreaked havoc on our family. Sometimes I eat caffeine just to keep up with all the chaos in our home, but I am exhausted. Where do we go for deliverance? We live in Colorado and know one has understood the brain being under attack here or how to deliver it. This sermon has been an answer to prayer.Thank you!

Ephraim Atinyo

commented on Nov 2, 2017

This was the post I seek for so long because it is exactly what I went through even till now. Was the best in the entire family that I was been choosing to represent my school to write exams. There all hell broke loose. I went to the exams hall started writing and was not understanding anything and left my brand new shoes there and walked back home barefooted. Please I need serious help.

Ephraim Atinyo

commented on Nov 2, 2017

This was the post I seek for so long because it is exactly what I went through even till now. Was the best in the entire family that I was been choosing to represent my school to write exams. There all hell broke loose. I went to the exams hall started writing and was not understanding anything and left my brand new shoes there and walked back home barefooted. Please I need serious help.

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