
Summary: God delivers those believers that stand tall in diversity.

I. Introduction

A. A story in Daniel without Daniel?

1. This is very interesting

2. If this were a fictional book, like some scholars would say. Daniel would definitely be in the middle of this one.

3. MacLaren says, “Where was Daniel in this hour of danger? His absence is not accounted for, and conjecture is useless; but the fact that he has no share in the incident seems to raise a presumption in favor of the disputed historical character of the book, which, if it had been fiction, could scarcely have left its hero out of so brilliant an instance of faithfulness to Jehovah

B. This story is a great story of faith and courage in the heart of persecution and anger

II. Nebuchadnezzar develops an idol (1-7)

A. Idols of the Old Testament time period

1. This particular idol

a. Was made of precious metal and enormous in size

i. The Statue weighed 52,800 pounds

ii. Worth approx $2,255,661

b. They were asked to worship the individual

2. Some other examples of idols

a. Gideon’s encounter with idol worship in Judges 6

b. Baal worship was very common

c. Golden calf, heavenly bodies, Teraphim, Men and demons

3. God is really clear on His view of idol worship

a. Forbidden

i. Exodus 20:4

ii. Isaiah 42:8

b. Characterized as

i. Perishable – Isa 40:20

ii. Helpless – Isa 45:20

iii. Unworthy of worship – acts 17:29

iv. Degrading – Rom 1:22,23

B. All were told to worship the idol

1. Neb. decided he wanted ALL to worship his idol

a. After Daniel Interprets the dream, Neb has become very conceited

b. Multiple witnesses were at the dedication of the Idol

C. We as Christians are given the opportunity to worship idols

III. Shad, Me, and Abed stand up for God (8-22)

A. They were at first given another opportunity to worship the image of gold

1. Temptation just doesn’t occur one time

2. We are tempted over and over again

B. They stand strong – Their amazing Faith

1. The first thing is that God will deliver them

2. But even if he does not they will never worship his idol

3. Would we still be able to believe in God, if we knew God was not going to be there

4. The Christian Martyrs of the 1st Century

a. Died because they believed with all their heart

b. They were not going to back down and quit believing the truth

c. Some died by the mouth of a lion, by hanging on a cross, by other cruel deaths that are unspeakable

d. Nero Hung some of them as lampposts in his garden after killing them.

C. The consequence were increased seven-fold

1. Are we ready for the lines to be drawn and the injury increased

2. Is your faith going to be capable of withstanding an onslaught of fire from the enemy

3. Ephesians 6:12-18

a. Stand firm then, even after faltering

b. When you can no longer stand it, when it seems hopeless, when it seems minutes away from defeat…stand firm

c. I saw “The Patriot” a movie by Mel Gibson – The last battle scene at about the time they were going to overtake Corn Wallace…

IV. God Delivers them from the fire (24-30)

A. The Miracle takes place

1. Nebuchadnezzar leaps up and asks

a. He was so shocked at what he had scene

b. He reacted like any man would

2. There stood Me, Shad, and Abed

a. Unharmed, without a singe and no smell of smoke upon them

b. They stood proud as their God (our God) saved them from the perils of the great fire

c. God can save you.

B. Their rights of worship were given back

1. Nebuchadnezzar not only frees them but praises their God

2. Then Nebuchadnezzar gives a decree in v. 29

C. Once again they were promoted

1. When God is obeyed the obedience will be rewarded

2. God can save you but only if you obey his ground rules

V. Conclusion

A. God has asked us only to believe in his son and follow his commandments

1. Don’t you know God will protect just as he protected these friends of Daniel

2. Let’s Read the Bulletin Article together

B. Maybe there is someone today who has in the past obeyed God by putting him on in baptism

1. He gives you the opportunity to return, also!

2. He loves you and wants to forgive you, but you must make the first step

3. Let him rescue from the furnace

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