
Defeating The Enemy: David's Determination

Created by SermonCentral on Oct 19, 2023
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David's Determination


Good morning, good afternoon, or good evening, my beloved brothers and sisters in Christ. I am truly blessed to be standing before you today, as we gather in unity and fellowship to reflect upon the Word of God. We are here to immerse ourselves in the wisdom of the scriptures, to seek understanding, and to find guidance for our lives. Today, we will be turning our hearts and minds to a story that is both familiar and extraordinary, a story that resonates with the struggles we face in our own lives and offers us a beacon of hope and courage. This is the story of David, a humble shepherd boy, who with unwavering faith and determination, defeated the giant Goliath.

Our scripture reading for today comes from the book of 1 Samuel, chapter 17, verses 40 through 51. As we read these verses, let us not merely skim through the words, but let us truly absorb the essence of the story, the emotions, the tension, the faith, and the victory. Let us place ourselves in the shoes of David, feel his courage, his determination, and his unwavering faith in God.

Before we begin, let us bow our heads in prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you for this day, for the opportunity to gather together in Your name, to study Your Word, and to grow in our understanding of Your love and Your power. As we read and reflect upon the story of David and Goliath, we ask that You open our hearts and minds, that we may glean the lessons You have for us, and that we may apply these lessons in our daily lives. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

Now, as we embark on this journey through the scriptures, I want you to imagine a mountain. This is not just any mountain. This mountain is tall, imposing, seemingly insurmountable. This mountain represents the challenges, the obstacles, the giants we face in our own lives. Just as David stood before Goliath, we too stand before our own mountains. But just as David did not cower in fear, we too must not allow ourselves to be intimidated by the size of our mountains.

David's determination is a shining example for us all. He was not a warrior, he was not a soldier, he was a shepherd boy. But he did not let his humble status deter him. He did not let Goliath's size, his strength, or his threats deter him. He stood firm, he stood tall, and he stood with God. His determination was not born out of pride or arrogance, but out of faith. He knew that with God on his side, he could defeat any enemy, overcome any obstacle, and conquer any mountain.

So, as we delve into the story of David and Goliath, let us remember the mountain. Let us remember that no matter how big our mountains may seem, no matter how insurmountable they may appear, with faith, with determination, and with God on our side, we too can conquer our mountains. We too can defeat our giants. We too can claim victory.

Let us now turn our attention to the scripture reading. 1 Samuel 17:40-51.

Defeating the Enemy (1 Samuel 17:40-51)

As we turn our attention to the story of David and Goliath, we see a young shepherd boy, David, who was determined to defeat the enemy, Goliath. David's determination was not rooted in his own strength or ability, but in his unwavering faith in God.

David's Determination

David's determination was evident from the moment he stepped onto the battlefield. He didn't let the size of Goliath intimidate him. He didn't let the taunts of the enemy discourage him. He didn't let the doubts of his own people deter him. Instead, he stood firm in his faith and declared, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty" (1 Samuel 17:45).

David's determination was not a spur-of-the-moment decision. It was a deep-seated conviction that had been cultivated over time. It was a determination that was rooted in his relationship with God. It was a determination that was fueled by his faith in God's promises.

The Hebrew word for determination used in this context is "azaz," which means to be strong, to prevail, to harden, to be bold, to be courageous. This gives us a glimpse into the kind of determination that David had. It was not a passive determination. It was an active, bold, courageous determination that propelled him to face the enemy head-on.

As the renowned theologian Charles Spurgeon once said, "By perseverance, the snail reached the ark." David's determination was a testament to his perseverance. He didn't give up. He didn't back down. He didn't let the enemy's threats deter him. Instead, he pressed on, trusting in God's promises and relying on God's strength.

David's Trust in God

David's determination was directly linked to his trust in God. He didn't trust in his own ability to defeat Goliath. He didn't trust in the weapons of war. He didn't trust in the strength of his own arm. Instead, he trusted in God. He trusted in God's power. He trusted in God's promises. He trusted in God's faithfulness.

David's trust in God was not a blind trust. It was a trust that was based on his personal experience with God. He had seen God's faithfulness in his life. He had experienced God's power in his life. He had witnessed God's deliverance in his life. And because of this, he was able to trust God in the face of the enemy.

David's Use of His Resources

David's determination was also seen in his use of his resources. He didn't try to fight Goliath with Saul's armor. He didn't try to fight Goliath with a sword or a spear. Instead, he used what he had - a sling and five smooth stones.

David's use of his resources teaches us a valuable lesson. We don't need to have the best weapons to defeat the enemy. We don't need to have the most sophisticated strategies to defeat the enemy. What we need is a determination to trust God and use what He has given us.

In conclusion, David's determination to defeat Goliath was not based on his own strength or ability. It was based on his faith in God. It was based on his trust in God's promises. It was based on his willingness to use what God had given him. And because of this, he was able to defeat the enemy and bring victory to the people of Israel.

May we, like David, be determined to trust God, rely on His promises, and use what He has given us to defeat the enemy in our lives.

David's Determination (1 Samuel 17:40-51)

David's determination was not a product of his own strength or skill. It was a result of his unwavering faith in God. He faced Goliath, not with the conventional weapons of war, but with a simple sling and five smooth stones. His real weapon, however, was his trust in God.

Firstly, David's determination was rooted in his faith. He didn't see a giant; he saw a man defying the God he served. His faith in God was so strong that it overshadowed the physical size and strength of his enemy. It's a reminder to us that our faith in God should be the lens through which we view our challenges.

In the New Testament, we see a similar theme in the story of the apostle Paul. In 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, Paul speaks about his "thorn in the flesh". Despite his pleas, God did not remove this thorn. Instead, He told Paul, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Like David, Paul had to rely not on his own strength, but on God's.

Secondly, David's determination was not deterred by the opinions of others. His brothers mocked him, Saul doubted him, but David was not swayed. He knew his ability came from God. We too must remember that our identity and worth are found in God, not in the opinions of others.

Thirdly, David's determination was not just about winning a battle. It was about defending the honor of God. He was driven by a righteous anger towards anyone who dared to defy God. This should challenge us to be zealous for God's honor in our lives.

Returning to our original passage, we see that David's determination led him to victory. But it wasn't just a victory for David; it was a victory for the entire nation of Israel.

Fourthly, David's determination teaches us that our victories are not just for us. When God gives us victory, it's not just for our benefit. It's for the benefit of those around us. Our victories can inspire faith in others and bring glory to God.

Lastly, David's determination was consistent. He didn't just trust God for this battle. He trusted God with his life. He was determined to follow God, no matter what. This is the kind of determination we need. A determination that trusts God, not just in the battles, but in every aspect of our lives.

David's determination in the face of Goliath is a powerful lesson for us today. It challenges us to have a faith that is unwavering, an identity that is rooted in God, a zeal for God's honor, a recognition that our victories are not just for us, and a consistent trust in God. May we, like David, be determined to trust God in every situation.

David's Determination (1 Samuel 17:40-51)

When we look at the story of David and Goliath, we see a young man who was determined to stand up against a giant. David, a shepherd boy, was not a warrior by any means. He was not trained in the art of war, nor did he possess the physical strength of a seasoned soldier. Yet, he had something that was far more potent than any weapon or physical prowess - he had an unwavering determination rooted in his faith in God.

David's determination was not a fleeting emotion or a momentary surge of courage. It was a steadfast resolve that was deeply ingrained in his heart. It was a determination that was fueled by his unwavering faith in God. He knew that God was with him, and that gave him the courage to face the giant.

David's determination was not just about facing the giant; it was about overcoming the giant. He didn't just want to survive the battle; he wanted to win it. He didn't just want to confront Goliath; he wanted to defeat him. And that's exactly what he did. With a single stone and a sling, David brought down the giant and won a great victory for the Israelites.

David's determination teaches us a valuable lesson about facing our own giants. We all have giants in our lives - challenges, obstacles, fears, doubts, and struggles that seem insurmountable. But like David, we can face these giants with determination and faith in God.

The first thing we need to understand is that determination is not about relying on our own strength or abilities. It's about relying on God. David didn't defeat Goliath because he was a skilled warrior or because he had a powerful weapon. He defeated Goliath because he trusted in God. As A.W. Tozer once said, "God is looking for people through whom He can do the impossible. What a pity that we plan only the things that we can do by ourselves."

The second thing we need to understand is that determination is not about avoiding challenges or taking the easy way out. It's about facing challenges head-on and overcoming them. David didn't run away from Goliath or try to avoid the battle. He faced Goliath head-on and overcame him. This teaches us that we should not run away from our challenges or try to avoid them. Instead, we should face them head-on and overcome them with God's help.

Finally, we need to understand that determination is not just about facing challenges; it's about overcoming them. David didn't just face Goliath; he defeated him. This teaches us that we should not just face our challenges; we should strive to overcome them. We should not just confront our fears; we should conquer them. We should not just endure our struggles; we should triumph over them. With God's help, we can overcome any giant that stands in our way.

In conclusion, David's determination teaches us that with God, we can face any giant and overcome any challenge. It's not about our strength or abilities; it's about our faith in God. It's not about avoiding challenges; it's about facing them and overcoming them. And it's not just about facing challenges; it's about overcoming them. With determination and faith in God, we can defeat the giants in our lives.


As we draw to a close on this sermon, let's take a moment to reflect on the story of David and his determination in defeating the enemy. This story, found in 1 Samuel 17:40-51, is more than just a historical account. It's a story that speaks to us today, a story that encourages us, a story that challenges us.

David, a young shepherd boy, was not the likely candidate to face the giant, Goliath. He didn't have the physical strength or the military training. But what he did have was faith. Faith in a God who is bigger than any giant we may face. And it was this faith, this trust in God, that gave David the determination to face his enemy.

David's story is a reminder to us that our battles are not won by our own strength or abilities. Our victories come from God. It's God who equips us, it's God who strengthens us, it's God who delivers us. We need to trust in Him, just like David did.

In the coming week, let's strive to be more like Jesus. Let's strive to have the faith of David. Let's strive to trust in God, no matter what giants we may be facing. Let's strive to have the determination to face our enemies, knowing that our victory comes from God.

Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for the story of David. We thank You for his faith, his trust, and his determination. We thank You for the victory that You gave him over his enemy. Lord, we pray that You would help us to have the same faith, the same trust, the same determination. Help us to face our giants, knowing that our victory comes from You. Help us to be more like Jesus in the coming week. We ask this in Jesus' name, Amen.

Now, as we go from this place, may the Lord bless you and keep you. May His face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May He turn His face toward you and give you peace. Go forth with the faith of David, with the trust of David, with the determination of David. Go forth, knowing that your victory comes from God. And may your life bring glory to His name. Amen.

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