Dedication Of Baby
Contributed by Gregory Mc Donald on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The coming of a new born child brings joy. His life and presence brightens the home, making it more family like. The home is no longer for a couple a man and a wife but is now for a family
The coming of a new born child brings joy. His life and presence brightens the home, making it more family like. The home is no longer for a couple a man and a wife but is now for a family.
With the coming of a child there are larger responsibilities, not only for the upkeep of the child's physical welfare, but also for his spiritual welfare, which is more important.
This child has an immortal soul, the destiny of which depends to a great extent upon the Christian influence in the home. The Scriptures give proof of this in the records of Hannah, Mary & Joseph, and the parents of Timothy.
It would be a sad ending indeed if this child should be brought up without the knowledge of God, and be lost in the end. Therefore, we come early in the child's life to dedicate him to the Lord.
But this is not just a formality of dedication for ____________, because _________ & ____________must acknowledge their responsibility and pledge themselves to bring him up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
Since this is a dedication involving not merely the child but also husband and wife, I've asked my wife to come and assist me in this time of dedication.
To Parents:
Do you, as parents of this child, understand that the vows you are about to make are binding before God as long as this child shall be under your care? If so, answer: I do.
Will you, as parents chosen by God for this child, promise before God and these people that you will endeavor to bring this child up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord...that you will instruct him in the teachings of the Bible and the church...
Will you do your best to see that you and your family are in the house of God at the appointed times? Will you teach this child reverence for the church and it's work...
Will you instruct him in the way of holiness and live a life that will be an example for him to follow? Will you teach him to pray and show forth the worth of prayer and supplication before God? Will you seek to lead him to an early experience with Christ? If so, answer: I will
Having made this covenant with Almighty God and before these people, we now present this child to the Lord.
Presentation of Flowers
To you, ______________, the father of this child, I give this red flower. Red, because it is a symbol of deep love, but red also represents the blood that was unselfishly sacrificed by our Lord.
May this flower serve as a symbol of the deep love and the unselfish sacrifices you'll make as you build and defend the home into which this child has come.
Let nothing enter your home that will injure the soul of this child, or crowd out the Lord who said, "Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
To you _____________, the mother of this child, I give this white flower. White because it is a symbol of the purity of heart with which you have given the home into which this child has come.
It is also a symbol to remind you that the loveliest flowers that grow in the garden of your life are your children...and that your highest calling is to nurture them in the fear and admonition of the Lord.
If this child grows up to know God, it is likely to be because you have awakened his faith and nurtured him in the things of God. it is from you that the child gets it's first ideas of God and the Savior.
To (BABY) ____________ I give this small white flower. It is a flower that has yet to blossom, a token of the innocency and purity of your soul in the sight of Almighty God. My sincere prayer is that when you lose your innocency and the eyes of your understanding are opened, that you will see Jesus, who alone can give eternal life.
Charge to Congregation:
You have heard these vows that were made here before you. They are not made lightly, to be forgotten in the heat of the moment or the distance of tomorrow.
Yet they are vows that will require much of them to fulfill...far too much for them to care for alone. God has placed them and their children into this body of believers so that they need not face this challenge alone.
Who will stand with these parents in assuming this sacred trust? (have congregation stand)
To Parents:
Look at these brothers and sisters in Christ who have committed themselves to share in this sacred vow. Trust them, seek their help and guidance. Do not be afraid to ask them to share in the responsibility for they have the love of God and desire to share that love with you.