Contributed by Dr. Amen Howard on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: We make decisions every day of our lives wether good or bad. Whether they are major or minor, we make decisions all the time. We may decide on what to wear, where to eat, and what to buy. 10/2004
The choices we make sometimes determine the course of our day. But many of the decisions we make can affect us for the rest of our lives, such as “What career should I choose?” or “What am I going to do with my life?”
Decisions are vitally important. The most important decision that anyone will ever make is the decision as to whether or not to accept Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Saviour. Unfortunately, many people make the decision to neglect Him as their Saviour. Before a person can be saved, he must realize that he is a sinner.
The Bible says “for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Rom 3: 23)
Then that person must make a decision to accept Jesus based on the fact of God’s word. After we make Jesus Christ the Lord of our lives, it’s important that we then make a decision as to what we believe based on the Bible and God's world.
We have to decide if we will believe God’s word, or II it we’ll go with what many theologians have to say. The decisions you make concerning God’s word will determine whether or not you enjoy the benefits of God’s word. For example, people in the workforce generally receive fringe benefits from their employer. Yet it’s up to them to decide whether or not they will enjoy their compensation package. It’s not up to the company, nor is it up to the supervisor, or anyone else. It is up to each individual employee to take advantage of his or her benefits.
If a person does not make a decision to open the package that God has provided them, he cannot enjoy it’s benefits. Every person must decide if he will take advantage of what God has given him. God will not force us to open our package of blessings. We must decide for ourselves – we must decide. The decision we face every day of our lives can bring us blessing or cursing. We have the power to choose. We must make a decision based on God’s word and what He’s telling us personally to do. For example, we have to make a decision about the vocation to which God has called us. There are many believers today who must decide if they will go after what God has called them to do or go their own waylike the prodigal son who later came to his senses.
We will have to make decisions every day that affect our lives to one degree or another, but make a good one that will live a life of legacy as Abraham did.
God will lead and guide us, but we must decide if we are going to follow Him. There may be many choices before us, but if we seek the Lord, He will show us the right one to make. Then we must decide to obey Him. If we do, blessings will be following. Friend don't waste a good advice when it comes your way....The choice is ours..