Deborah: God's Leading Lady
Contributed by David Cook on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The world needs more courageous leaders like Deborah!
Intro: Where would the church of Jesus Christ be today without the ladies? In most churches today, it’s the ladies who lead the way in serving, praying, Sunday School, mission projects, taking food to the sick, singing in the choir, etc. I thank God for the ladies in this church who are willing to roll up their sleeves and serve Jesus faithfully!
Some of Christianity’s greatest leaders today are powerful women of faith. I think of ladies such as Anne Graham Lotz, Kay Arthur, and Beth Moore. Most people (men or women) rarely rise to that level of spotlight and fame, but that’s ok. Some of God’s greatest leading ladies are those who work behind the spotlight – faithfully loving their families – faithfully encouraging a neighbor – faithfully drying the tears of a child. All through the Bible God has chosen to work through everyday ladies to get the job done.
From the OT Book of Judges, let’s look at Deborah: God’s Leading Lady! Deborah is an excellent example to all God’s people that He can use any of us in His service if we are willing and obedient to His call on our lives.
Let’s get ready to learn some important principles in being a faithful servant of the Lord this morning!
Judges 4.1, “When Ehud was dead, the children of Israel again did evil in the sight of the Lord.” The old saying is true, “Sin will take your further than you wanted to go, cost you more than you wanted to pay, keep you longer than you wanted to stay.”
There will never be victory in our lives and in this church like there ought to be until God’s people get serious about confessing and forsaking their sin before God. Some of us tend to wink at sin and then we wonder why there is little hunger for God, desire for the Word of God! We are like the man who sent a check to the government for back taxes with a note attached that said: “I felt so guilty for cheating on my taxes I had to send you this check. If I don’t feel any better, I’ll send you the rest.”
We may not take sin seriously, but God does. How seriously does God take sin? He let His Son go to the cross to bear on His body our sins. Why is sin so serious a matter in the life of God’s people?
A. Sin robs us of God’s purpose – Judges 4.2, “So the Lord sold them into the hand of Jabin king of Cannon, who reigned in Hazor.”
God takes sin so seriously in the life of His children, in the life of His church that if not dealt with through repentance and correction, God’s people can miss out on God’s purpose. God allowed his people to be placed in the hands of Jabin. Jabin was king who reigned inside Cannon, the Promised Land! That’s where sin starts most of the time – not on the outside, but the inside!
Why is it that God deals with His people over and over about sin? It’s because sin causes sin stops spiritual growth and leads to spiritual death!
Perhaps there was a time in your life when you wouldn’t think of missing church, were bold in sharing your faith, were quick to respond to the Spirit’s small voice in your life…yet now, it’s not big deal to miss church. It’s ok to watch ungodly shows, it’s ok to spread a little gossip. If that is your attitude you are not right with God today. You need to get before God and let the Holy Spirit reveal the sin in your life.
Sin robs us of God’s purpose. What is our purpose? “We, Colonial Woods Baptist Church, are a body of believers called together in Jesus Christ, gathered together for worship and discipleship, sent by the Holy Spirit to witness and minister to those in our community and throughout the world.”
We can only accomplish God’s purpose when we’ve confessed our sin to God.
B. Sin restricts us of God’s power Judges 4.3b, “…Jabin had nine hundred chariots of iron, and for twenty years he had harshly opposed the children of Israel.”
How long were the people of God living in defeat because of their sin? Twenty years. What weapon did the enemy have on the people of God? Jabin had 900 chariots of iron! Let me tell you a truth I’ve found in dealing with sin in my life, if you give sin an inch, it will take the whole!
Another truth about sin, it doesn’t go away easily. Pornography is ripping up homes, tearing down marriages, influencing our kids, infecting our churches because it does not go away easily. Sin whispers, it’s just one click, no big deal! Sin says, it’s ok, everyone is doing it. It’s harmless! Listen to what the Apostle Paul said about sin in Romans 6:16, “Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?”