Preach "The King Has Come" 3-Part Series this week!
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Summary: Today, three schools of theological interpretation exist in defining the millennium. The amillennial view= A (no) in Greek syntax, and millennial (1000 year). The millennialism believes that there is no such thing as the millennium, that God is finishe

Revelation 20

Hall Street Baptist Church

January 10, 2007

Today, three schools of theological interpretation exist in defining the millennium.

The amillennial view= A (no) in Greek syntax, and millennial (1000 year). The millennialism believes that there is no such thing as the millennium, that God is finished with the nation of Israel, and that there are not any more prophecies concerning the nation Israel because all prophecy concerning Israel has been fulfilled. The events in the middle east they believers have no bearing on prophecy. Additionally, they argue that the promises God made to Abraham were conditional promises, and because the seed of Abraham did not fulfill their requirements to claim the promises; the church now has all rights to the promises. The millennialism also believes that there will not be any thousand year period. All messages that mention the millennium are spiritualized.

Some Southern Baptist who are mostly moderate in their theological beliefs follow this school of thought.

The Post Milinalist: Believe that Jesus will return after a thousand years of tribulation. A theological hypothesis that the millennium will be a time of preaching and a wide spread of the gospel after which a golden age of peace will be ushered in. Unfortunately this school of thought has experienced great discouragement recently. They believe that the world will continuously get better, and better, and better until Christ returns. This is a great dream however, scripture doesn’t support it.

The Premelinalist: Believe that Jesus Christ must come in order for the millennium to begin. The belief in the melinal reign of Jesus Christ, and the rapture of the church at Revelation 4:1.

In Revelation 19:19, the day of the Lord comes when God openly intervenes in the affairs of humanity. The Anti-Christ and False Prophet will both be cast into the lake of fire. This will be the same location where all who have rebelled against God are cast at the end of the world. 19:21, Jesus speaks the word of death and all Godless armies of the world will drop dead. With Satan’s armies destroyed the next step toward the end transpires:

I. An Angel Binds Satan


B. Two objects in the angel’s hand: Key to the bottomless pit, and a great

Chain (Romans 16:20).

C. Satan is placed in the abyss Rev 9:2, Isa 24:21-22, Romans 8:21-23 deliverance.

1. Glory of God will reign Isa 35:1-6

2. Change in the animal kingdom Isaiah 11:6-9

3. Change in aging and sickness Isa 35:5-6

4. Plenty upon the earth Joel 2:26-27. Joel 3:18.


5. There will be a change in Government from man to God ruled Rev 11:15, Zech 14:8-9.

II. The Judgment of Satan

1. He is not tempted- but cast into the lake of fire.

2. He is cast out of the presence of God Job 1:6-7.

3. Everlasting fire Matthew 25:41

III. The Great White Throne of Judgment

1. Judge sits on the throne.

2. Dead in Hades are judged in books according to their deeds. Psychologists tell us nothing we have experienced is ever forgotten. It may be repressed, but never forgotten completely. The subconscious mind stores everything up in neatly organized compartments awaiting the appropriate trigger to recall all information we have tried to forget. God has it all written down in the books. Two books are mentioned; the book of works of the sinner being judged (Eph 2:8-9). Why? To determine the degree of punishment the lost person will receive. The second book is the Lamb’s book of life. The Lamb’s book of life contains the names of all the righteous people who have trusted Christ as their Savior. (Phil 4:3 Rev 21:27, 13:8. 17:8). No unsaved person is in the Lamb’s book of life (Luke 10:20).

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