
Summary: Using Habakkuk, this sermon delves into the two questions posed by Habakkuk to God, and his response of praise.

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Surviving 2024

(Dealing with Uncertainty)

CCCAG, January 14th, 2024

Scripture: Habakkuk 3:2


It’s a new year, with some new challenges that will be presenting themselves. One of the biggest I think we will see will be in politics as the elections ramp up toward the end of the year.

Are any of you already having election fatigue? It seems never ending doesn’t it?

It gets exhausting. I used to be a huge news watcher. I’m kind of a political junkie- I love those kinds of news stories. I’d record various news shows to watch them if I was working that day. I’d constantly be checking my computer or phone for the latest thing out of Washington DC. I’d be interested in world news and watch the BBC. My whole day was spent absorbing news, opinion shows, and political commentary from various sources.

The one thing I noticed though- the more I absorbed that the more frustrated, fearful, and angry I became. As a result, I wasn’t spiritually minded.

All of us can get that way in life about a variety of issues.

Could be a work issue

Marriage or relationship issue

Problem with the kids


Something that allows fear, doubt, and unbelief to be our default way of thinking and experiencing life, that’s when the enemy has you focused on the wrong thing.

Let me illustrate this-

How many people have every looked through binoculars?

I have a pair that I use for hunting, and I love having them.

One thing I’ve found though- the more you focus on what you are looking at through those binoculars, the less you become aware of what else is around you.

A few years ago, I was glued to my binoculars watching a decent sized doe at about 300 yards, and totally missed the fact that there was a large buck at 150 yards.

This is where Tunnel vision happens- when we spend too much time focusing on the wrong things that have no eternal value or significance.

Sometimes we can get that way in life.

A wise man once said that our focus determines our reality.

I found in my own life if my focus is too narrow in concentrating on the things of this world, then my emotions, spirituality, and faith is directly affected by all of that bad news.

In the scripture we are going to read today, we are going to read about another person that was really focused on the news of his day.

Habakkuk was a prophet in Judea in the years immediately before Babylon conquered Jerusalem.

Habakkuk was a man that knew exactly what was going on around him. In fact, he looked throughout the land and saw nothing but evil occurring.

Idol worship involving grotesque sexuality, human and infant sacrifice, the worship of demons, and no justice to be found anywhere.

Then God speaks to him and gives him a prophetic word that Babylon was coming to devastate his home.

Habakkuk now has some questions for God, and in the bible book that bears his name, God answers His prophet.

We are going to explore both of those questions this morning, but I want to start with looking at Habakkuk’s response to God’s answer to his questions. In chapter 3 of his book, he prays these words to God.


Hab 3:2

Lord, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O Lord.

Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy.


Today we are living in a time that very closely resembles the time Habakkuk lived in, with many of the same problems, sin, and idolatry, rampant deviant sexually- all of that was leading his nation and people close to judgment.

We as the church in 2024 may very well have ringside seats to the countdown to Tribulation. If you don’t know what the tribulation is- it the events described within the book of Revelation- it’s a pretty big deal that will change life as we know it forever.

As people standing on the edge of God’s judgment, we like Habakkuk might have some questions.

His first question- how can God allow this kind of evil to exist without sending judgment. We read about it in chapter 1

I. Wrestling with God’s Ways

Hab 1:2-4

How long, O Lord, must I call for help, but you do not listen?

Or cry out to you, "Violence!" but you do not save?

3 Why do you make me look at injustice? Why do you tolerate wrong?

Destruction and violence are before me; there is strife, and conflict abounds.

4 Therefore the law is paralyzed, and justice never prevails. The wicked hem in the righteous, so that justice is perverted.

To summarize Habakkuk’s question- God, there is rampant evil all around me- why don’t you stop it?

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