
Summary: This sermon was preached a week after I have followed God’s call to resign as pastor of a loving church to follow a new call from God.

Intro: There have been many kind reactions to my announcement

(notes, phone calls, visits, chance gathering, compliments)

Some more interesting reactions:

To my lovely wife Jeana, one person said: “Can’t he go and the rest of you stay!”

From Mary D. suffering with serious memory loss, I received this comment. “We will miss you. You certainly have done a good job. Now, who are you again!”

What makes this situation tough for all of us? TRANSITION

How do we deal with transition?

Transitions are universal: young child into adolescence; teenager into young adult, school transitions, work transitions, grief, divorce, relocation, pastoral departure, and pastoral arrivals

We are comfortable with what we know.

We long for something new – the ability to make an impact

The old and the new we relish – but the transition is the tough time

How do we deal with transition?

Scripture Reading: The disciples are entering a time of transition and Jesus give them counsel, encouragement, and direction

Let now your years be troubled – trust God

In my Father’s house are many rooms – many ways to be faithful

I go to prepare a place for you – place and person (better day)

I will come and take you to where I am – He has His way with us

I am the way, the truth, and the life – Jesus is indispensable

Even greater things – always something greater when God is near

I will give you the Spirit – life is live from God not for God

The Holy Spirit will instruct you – give you words, path, direction

Peace I leave you (don’t be troubled) – abide (tough transitions)

Conclusion: Commit to abide; live out of the abundance of the Holy Spirit’s provision by faith. No rededication – but simple faith and trust in God during times of transition.

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Michael Lum

commented on Aug 25, 2019

This feels like an "introduction" and not a full sermon. Would love to hear points about HOW Jesus words to his disciples sustained them in his physical departure.

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