Dealing With Despair
Contributed by Greg Cooper on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Title: Dealing with Despair
Text I Samuel 30:1-6
Intro: We all have crisis in our lives. Times when we feel there is neither hope nor anywhere to turn for relief. Many of us feel that we are living in a perpetual state of crisis and that God himself has turned a deaf ear toward us.
This must have been what David was feeling that day. David understood adversity:
- Chased by Saul
- Living in the wilderness
- Living with Philistines
- Army wanting to stone him
But David knew how to deal with despair, He encourage himself in God.
In our lives we face an enemy that wants to tear us down and keep us down until we are completely destroyed. He accomplishes this task by first stealing small things from us.
- Our Passion
- Our Love for Others
- Our Thirst for the Word
- Our Desire to Worship
- The Joy of our Life in Christ
Ultimately he try’s to destroy our faith, and he does this through bringing discouragement into our lives.
I. David knew how to seek God
1. David ask for the Ephod
2. God is never taken by surprise by our problems
- The God we serve:
· Is Omnipotent
· Is Omniscient
· Is never out of control
3. Joshua lost battle of Ai because he failed to inquire of God
4. Israel lost ark because they had quit seeking God’s will
5. Nothing is impossible with God
6. Encourage yourself in God’s will
When God bolts the door, don’t try to get in through the window. The will of God never will lead you where the grace of God cannot keep you.
7. We must align our will with God’s will if we are to experience victory & joy in this life
8. In times of distress we must realize that God in control
ILL. My family sleep’s better when they know that Daddy is in the next room. Because there is nothing that can happen to them in the night that dad cannot handle. If there is a bump in the night, or a bad dream they can call out “daddy” and they know I not only hear them I move in their direction to take care of their needs.
II. David Knew the Strength of God
1. David had learned to trust God’s strength and abilities
- With the Lion
- With the Bear
- With the Giant
- And in Battle
2. David could have argued with God
- “But God we’re tired”
- “I’ve had enough running”
- “Forced from my home”
- “Living in the land of heathens”
- “Lose my family”
- “My men want to stone me”
3. David knew it was not time for pity party
- God could give him the strength he needed
- I believe he began to seek God
- Not asking why, - “Why did you let this happen?”
- But asking how, - “How do you want me to proceed?”
Isa 40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
ILL. GOD: He has power to work on our problems
- In the early days of the automobile a man’s Model-T Ford stalled in the middle of the road. He couldn’t get it started no matter how hard he cranked nor how much he tried to advance the spark or adjust things under the hood. Just then a chauffeured limousine pulled up behind him, and a wiry, energetic man stepped out from the back seat and offered his assistance. After tinkering for a few moments the stranger said, "Now try it!" Immediately the engine leaped to life. The well-dressed individual then identified himself as Henry Ford. "I designed and built these cars," he said, "so I know what to do when something goes wrong." God, as our creator knows how to "fix" us when our lives are under attack.
4. It is not our strength or abilities that sees us through but
our Abilities to rely on His strength.
Phil 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
5. Our strength & power comes from our relationship with God. He is our power source.
III. David Knew How to Trust in God
1. Many things David didn’t know but God did.
- Didn’t know which way to go
- He didn’t know how big the foe was
- He didn’t know if families were dead or safe
- He didn’t know if his army would even make it to battle
- Part of his army went so far they couldn’t go any farther
- God brought him someone to show him where the Amilikites were.