David Faces Goliath
Contributed by Jeff Simms on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Facing our fears with faith
David Faces Goliath
1 Samuel 17
Purpose Statement: To encourage the congregation to face their fears with faith.
Have you ever been terrified? Have you ever been afraid of something that
you didn’t know what to do about? That’s what I want to talk about in this message.
Facing our fears God’s Way. I recently heard about Two explorers who were on a
jungle safari when suddenly a ferocious lion jumped in front of them. “Keep calm” the
first explorer whispered. “Remember what we read in that book on wild animals? If
you stand perfectly still and look the lion in the eye, he will turn and run.” “Sure”
replied the companion, “You’ve read the book, and I’ve read the book. But, has the
lion read the book.”
Let’s look first at verses 4-10 at:
I. The Nature of Israel’s Fear-
A. Well Armed enemy- Bronze helmet, armor,javelin and boots. He had a impressive
sword and a spear that had the weigh and size of a weaver’s beam. His spear head
weighed 15 pounds. He had a shield bearer even though with his armor, he probably
didn’t need it.
B. Persistent- Goliath’s name means splendor. The world pays attention to Goliath
and gave him a place of honor. Goliath comes to the front of the battle line and
cursed God twice a day for 40 days. It had been 27 years since the Philistines were
overthrown at Michmash. It’s possible that Goliath was there then.
II. The Nature of Israel’s Response
A. They responded in fear (Yare’) it means afraid, fear, to stand in awe of,. They were
terrified. They were dismayed (chathath) means to be shattered, dismayed, broken,
abolished. The WW II General George Patton said in his autobiography “I learned
very early in my life, never to take counsel of my fears.”
B. They were immobilized. Their spirits were broken. Saul should have been the one
to fight against Goliath. He’s not walking with God now, so he allows a spirit of fear to
replace the Holy Spirit of power. Instead of fighting himself, he offers incentives to get
someone else to do what he is unwilling to do.
III. The Nature of Their Victory-
A. Based on God’s faithfulness- David really isn’t old enough to be in the army at this
point. He is just a teenager. But, David knows that God has allowed him to overcome
trouble in the past. He knows that God is faithful. He still walks in faith despite the
fact that David’s brother Eliab and Saul discourage him. Saul told David “You are not
able.” vs.33
I know not, but God knows; Oh, blessed rest from fear! All my unfolding days
To Him are plain and clear.
Each anxious, puzzled “Why?” From doubt or dread that grows, Finds answer
in this thought; I know not, but He knows.
I cannot, but God can; Oh, balm for all my care! The burden that I drop, His
hand will life and bear.
Though eagle pinions tire, I walk where once I ran, This is my strength to
know, I cannot, but He can.
I see not, but God sees; Oh, all sufficient light! My dark and hidden way, To
Him is always bright.
My strained and peering eyes, May close in restful ease, And I in peace may
sleep; I see not, but He sees.
Annie Johnson Flint.
B. Based on David’s willingness to release his fears to God. David’s God is greater
than his fears. He knew that “the battle is the Lord’s”. The victory is not based on
scale armor. The battle is “not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit.” Zech 4:6
(Ps 34:4; 27:5) David wrote that he sought the Lord and the Lord delivered him out of
all his fears. We need to admit our fears, commit them to the Lord and release them.
Psalms 55:22 exhorts us to Cast your cares on the Lord.