David And Goliath, Are There Giants In Your Life??
Contributed by Wendell Blackburn on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The Battle of David and Goliath.
After young David had been employed by King Saul
For occasional service of the court as musician and
Armor bearer, and many years after the defeat of the
Philistines at Michmash –THE war making heathens
Decided to start another war against Israel..
Their armies had marched to a village of the hill
Country between the mountains of Judah and the plains of
The Mediterranean which was about 11 miles south
Of Jerusalem and Bethlehem.
Here they were camped and ready for battle, they
Were along a range of low hills facing one of the
Fertile plains called Elah.
The armies of Israel were camping on the range of hills
On the opposite side of the valley.
Young David had such great confidence because of his experience of the Lords previous deliverance’s on his
God wasn’t going to allow his reputation to be damaged
by this Philistine.
And David had great faith that God would again deliver him from the evil SNARE!!!!
David had already been through an EYE OPENING
Faith builder,- with him going up against a Lion and
A Bear – and the Lord delivering him from both, He now had the confidence that he would be VICTORIOUS!!!!
Against this giant Philistine Goliath!!!!
Goliath was the champion of the Philistine Army – and he
Was known as a great warrior.
He was nearly nine feet tall and he wore armor made
Of metal which over-lapped like the scales of fish.
And He weighed over 300 pounds.
He protected his head with a helmet of Brass
And had the lower part of his legs covered with
Heavy metal guards.
He carried a spear over his shoulder and a five feet
Long sword that weighed twenty five pounds!!!
The way I understand this from my studies – back in
These days it was a normal occurrence that when two
Armies were in position for battle – but dared not to
Attack – a champion from each side would meet and
Battle it out in single combat
And further it was agreed that victory would belong
To the army whose champion won in this single combat
Every day Goliath marched out on the plain between the
Two armies and scornfully challenged the Israelites
To send out their champion to fight with him.
For Forty days he ridiculed and contempted the
Armies of the israelites – he taunted them telling
Them they were cowards – because they didn’t have anyone with enough courage to send out in battle.
During all this time King Saul who had once led
Israel in killing 40,000 Philistines in one day – sat
Cowering in weakness while this on soldier Goliath
Held the whole Israelite Army in Check!!!!
Why this Huge Difference??
Because in the previous victory the Noble Prince
Named Jonathan was anointed by the Spirit of God
And King Saul had taken advantage of the Confusion caused by his exploit to be triumphant.
At this point the lord had withdrawn from King Saul
And Jonathan was rejected by his un-grateful Father
And they no longer had the courage to fight and the Lord was no longer with King Saul!!!!!
Our help is in the name of the Lord
Who made Heaven and Earth!
Because thou hast been my help
Therefore in the shadow of thy
Wings will I rejoice!
In the mean time three of Jesse’s Sons were
Camped at the edge of the valley of Elah and young
David traveled back and forth from the Royal Palace
And his fathers home – caring for the sheep when the
King didn’t need him.
It was very likely that David wanted to Join his Brothers
In the army preparing to fight the Philistines
And He was always hinting of the fact – But neither
His Brothers nor the King thought it was a good idea
Because of his young age!!
Then one day Jesse sent David to the camp which was
A few hours walk from Bethlehem He took food and
Water and also checked on their well – being
It just so happened that he reached the camp just
As the two armies were facing one another ready
For battle!!!! He lift the things he had brought along
With the keeper of the army supplies and rushed
To be with his brothers….
While He was with them and they were talking
Amoungst themselves the Philistine Champion came
Out with his usual boastings and his usual challenge!!
But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to
Confound the wise and God hath chosen the weak
Things of the world to confound the things which
Are mighty – (put to shame)
VS. 29 SAYS:
No flesh should Glory in his Presence.