
Summary: Learning to give God more

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Revelation 3:20

Dashboard Dining

The term dashboard dining “has come to signify the growing practice of eating while driving to save a little time.” Popular freeway fare includes yogurt in squeeze packages, soup in heat and sip containers and small cookies that fit in cup holders.

One U.S. consumer products analyst says that people increasing want food items that can be eaten quickly and easily while on the road. In some cultures a leisurely meal at a table is becoming an endanger practice.

· Revelation 3:20. In light of the spiritual condition of the Laodiceans describes in verse 17, 18, the invitation of verse 20 seems to be evangelistically addressed to individual members of an apostate church, so they might receive Christ genuinely as Savior and Lord. To sup (dine) means to have fellowship and to enjoy Christ’s blessing. The promise to sit with Christ in His throne refers to reigning with Christ in His kingdom.

I Peter 2:2-10

1. Desiree the pure growth ingredient (v.2)

a. The verb “desire” is given as a command and in Greek it is the aorist direct imperative. It means to desire earnestly, to long for. It denotes not only earnestly desiring in the heart but also a willingness to do everything possible to achieve one’s longed for ends. That the aorist tense is used instead of the present imperative also indicates that such desire is active regarding its goal and objective, not merely passive and subjective. Just as with food, there should be a repetitive desire for spiritual wisdom for each individual choice that has to be made. It is a process of acquiring, digesting, and then desiring again.

b. To continue the analogy of food, what is it that we are to so earnestly desire to eat? The KJV says, “Desire the sincere milk of the word.” The NASB says, “long for the pure milk of the word.” The NIV has it, “crave pure spiritual milk.” The Greek says the logical, unadulterated milk, greatly desire (and get). Note that the Greek verse does not have “of the word” as do both the KJV and NASB; the NIV has translated it closet to the original Greek, “crave pure, spiritual milk.”

i. The adjective derives from, “intelligence,” or “someone or something immaterial.” (In John 1:1 Christ is described in this way before His incarnation.) This also occurs in Romans 12:1 and refers to “serving as one worships in public.” In other words, our service in public worship must have beyond its material aspect a spiritual significance. The only other place this occurs is here in 1 Peter 2:2 and must, therefore, be translated as “spiritual milk.” As one needs material milk for his physical growth, so also he requires spiritual food for his spiritual growth.

ii. The milk in I Peter 2:2 are also described as “sincere” (KJV); “pure” (NSAB and NIV). The mistake of the translators in this case is that they have made a negative adjective into a positive one. The warning over the possibility of mixing untruth with truth is evident in this passage. If one drinks milk mixed with water, he will be deficient in his nourishment. Unfortunately, many Christians drink adulterated spiritual milk. No wonder they suffer from spiritual anemia!

2. Distinguish the evil growth inhibitors

a. Before earnestly desiring unadulterated spiritual milk, we must eliminate the junk food that steals our appetites.

b. First Peter 2:1 begins with the participle “lay aside,” which is the aorist participle middle “to lay or set or put.” Thus the correct translation of the first few words in this passage is “having put away from you” or ‘since, therefore, you did put away from you.”

c. The putting off of certain bad habits and attitudes from the old life is absolutely necessary for a newly born spiritual baby before he can develop a craving for true, unadulterated spiritual food. Our appetites for such are often lost because we carry into our Christian live such putrefaction as Peter lists in verse 1. These are inhibitors of good spiritual taste.

i. First mentioned is “unexternalized bad feelings, constitutional malice.” Peter here indicates that there is a variety of such malice and that every kind of it ought to be discarded.

ii. “All guile” in Greek is (the same word as in v.2). Again, Peter says to get rid of every kind of guile.

iii. Next he mentions hypocrisies, which means pretentions.

iv. “Envies,” “wishing evil on others for personal gain” is another aspect of our lives, which must be removed.

v. Lastly, Peter lists “and all evil speaking,” “speaking out false gossip or slander.” Having heard something bad about somebody is no reason to repeat it to anyone else. Thus, when a Christians finds his spiritual appetite for God’s truth dulled, he should search for some of these clinging sins as detailed in I Peter 2:1 and also in Galatians 5:19-21; Ephesians 4:31; and Colossians 3:8.

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