
Summary: We are in darkness. We don’t have any clue on what a day may bring forth in our lives (Proverbs 27:1). Now, we have entered into another Advent. The Christmas tide has begun in our hearts. Let us look for Daily Light in the Word of God.

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Text: Psalm 119:105

Theme: Daily Light


I am familiar with the custom of using the Lantern in the nights. In Indian Villages, we have this beautiful small instrument to walk through. It helps to identify the potholes on the road, reptiles on the way, dispelling the darkness even during the Full Moon night. The ancient villagers in our country lived with that small instrument to achieve many things in their lives. Here, Psalm 119:105 refers to that instrument to the Word of God. Let us meditate on the importance of the Daily Light.

This long psalm has no authors’ name some say David others say, Nehemiah or Ezra. The sections and verses are not like a chain, where one link is connected to the other, but like a string of pearls where each pearl has equal, but independent value. Psalm 119 structured in an acrostic pattern. There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet, and Psalm 119 contains 22 units of 8 verses each. Each section begins with a Hebrew alphabet. Each line in that section begins with that alphabet. The closest parallel to this pattern in Scriptures found in Lamentations 3, which also divided into 22 sections, and a few other passages in the Hebrew Scriptures use an acrostic pattern.

Psalm 119:105 Daily Light

We are in darkness. We don’t have any clue on what a day may bring forth in our lives (Proverbs 27:1). Now, we have entered into another Advent. The Christmas tide has begun in our hearts. The Carol singing rings in our thoughts and minds. Though the world is yet to find the way out from the Pandemic, the Word of God reminds us what had happened in ancient days and Christendom in the first century. The Gospel writer John describes the change in the lives of the individuals and the world at large with the sentence ‘The Light shines in the Darkness’ (John 1:5).

The world has horrified with the Break of the Pandemic. Yet, it has come out of the shock of this great fear. The year 2020 has been with losses of economy, health, and lives. People move everywhere not because they have courage but to survive by work. Every day, humanity lives with the fear of death (Hebrews 2:15). Therefore, the words of the Gospel writer is a great encouragement, and it dawns the hope of life once again in Jesus Christ during this Christmas occasion.

Light is life, joy, and pleasure. All love light. After the full moon, the dawn brings joy and hope to the eyes of the people in distressing and disgusting. The birth of our Lord Jesus Christ brought joy to the world, and the people who lived in the land of darkness had seen a great light. Jesus is the embodiment of light. He is the father of lights. John the Baptist was a man who came to testify that light but people took it very lightly. But he was shining to make to rejoice over his light rays. He was daring to disburse the light to dispel the darkness from his hearers. His listeners had surrendered their lives for change and spiritual progress.

Today, the Word of God is a lamp to our path and light to guide our ways and paths of righteousness and justice. What’s our hope apart from Jesus Christ who is the LIGHT of the lights. He has given that light to all those who trust in him, would become the lighthouse. Jesus Christ is the morning star, a superstar, and a great role model for all in all generations.

Daily Leads me:

This portion of Psalm 119, begins with the Hebrew letter Nun. The Hebrew word means light, lamp, candle (Barnes). The daily light comes to us from the Lord. He shows the Light through reading the Scripture. Psalmist acknowledges that the Light comes from the Word of God. It’s a lamp unto the feet. The Light comes to us through reading the scriptures.

The Word of God is a lamp kept burning with the oil of the Holy Spirit, as a light to direct us to keep every proper step on the way (Matthew Henry). Each man should use the word of God personally, practically, and habitually, that he may see his way and see what lies in it. When darkness settles down upon all around us, the Word of the Lord, like a flaming torch, reveals our way. It becomes our comfort and counselor on daily basis. It is a lamp by night, and light by day, and a delight at all times (Ref:

The night signifies adversity, and a day refers to prosperity. Hence the word of God helps to behave ourselves in all conditions. The word, "path" means our general choice and course of life, and the word, "feet" refers to our particular actions (Thomas Manton). The Word of God reveals God’s Will. It serves as a light on a path in darkness, and it shows us how to follow the right and avoid the wrong way (Jamieson-Fausset-Brown). It also serves as a Signal lamp with Red, Yellow, and Green in our journey.

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