
Summary: Having a thankful heart is important part of our walk with God.

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Cultivating a thankful heart – Sunday, November 15th


Good morning! How is everyone doing this wonderful day in the Lord! We are just so thrilled that you have joined us here this morning.

This week, the title of our message is cultivating a thankful heart. It is interesting to note that God’s chosen people had a thanksgiving celebration that occurred 3,000 years ago. This morning we will be talking about being thankful.

What are you thankful for right now? You may be going through a tough time right now, however, there is something in your life that you can be thankful for.

When is the last time that you took a pause in your life? When is the last time you took time to just thank God for all the good things in your life and all the wonderful people that he has placed in your life.

I have observed that the most thankful people are typically the ones that are the most thoughtful people. People that are not thankful are typically ones that do not show care and compassion for others. These are people that are living for the next event in their life or the next purchase that they are going to make versus being content with what they have. Before the American tradition of Thanksgiving, God’s chosen people had a thanksgiving celebration.

I. Celebrating the Presence of God

A. The ark

a. King David was a king that had a heart for God. Yes, he made some mistakes along the way, but he really enjoyed to be in God’s presence.

b. After becoming the King of Israel, King David wanted to bring the Ark of the Covenant back to the city of Jerusalem.

c. This ark represented the Presence of God on earth and so he wanted to be close to it.

d. The ark itself was a chest that was made out of gold plated wood and on top of the ark was two cherubim angels.

i. Inside the ark contained Aarons rod that budded, and the tablets of the covenant. (The Ten Commandments.)

ii. This ark was really an important artifact to the people of Israel

e. Prior to the reign of David, the ark had been stolen by enemies and subsequently returned. However, the ark sat neglected at a distant home for 20 years while the Jewish people followed false God.

f. After one failed attempt the bring the ark back. David was committed to seeing this happen

g. David gathered all the priest and had appointed them to lead the ark home by singing and dancing.

B. Home coming

a. After traveling a far distance. The ark finally made its way back to Jerusalem.

b. We pick up the story there in 1 Chronicles 15:28 NKJV 28 Thus all Israel brought up the ark of the covenant of the LORD with shouting and with the sound of the horn, with trumpets and with cymbals, making music with stringed instruments and harps.

c. Do you see the picture?, everyone was celebrating and shouting because of God’s presence.

d. Can you imagine an entire city singing, shouting and celebrating because they were experience God’s presence in their lives.

C. Not every one was happy

a. Not everyone was happy in the city though. There was one person that was not celebrating and that was David’s wife, Michal.

b. She saw her husband dancing around and she thought in her heart that he should act more dignified. After all, he was the king of the entire area.

c. We learn in the story that as a result of her heart not being right that she did not bear anymore children.

D. Offerings made

a. After the ark entered into the city it was brought to the tabernacle.

b. The bible says in 1 Chronicles 16:1 NKJV 16 So they brought the ark of God, and set it in the midst of the tabernacle that David had erected for it. Then they offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before God.

c. This burnt offering offered by the people was accepted by God and was consumed by fire and was a pleasing aroma to the Lord.

d. This offering made was one of an animal that was perfect in every way and none of this sacrifice was to be consumed by the people.

II. Forgiveness

A. Fast forward

a. So you may be sitting there asking yourself, What does this have to do with me? I don’t bring animal sacrifices to church.

b. The New Testament, we don’t have to bring unblemished animals to cover our sins, because Jesus paid it all!

c. We recognize that Jesus, the Son of God, who takes away the sin of the entire world, came and offered Himself as the ultimate sacrifice.

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