
Cultivating a Superior Attitude: Lessons from Daniel

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 9, 2023
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Let's delve into Daniel's life and learn how to develop a superior attitude, and witness the wonders God will perform for us.


Today, we will learn from the life of Daniel and discover how to cultivate an excellent spirit. Daniel, a man who lived around 600 years before Jesus, found himself in challenging situations. Let's examine the highlights of Daniel's life and extract valuable lessons that are applicable to us today.

Daniel's Excellent Spirit

The Bible tells us that Daniel possessed an excellent spirit, which set him apart from others. This excellent spirit was a result of his character, how he treated people, and his unwavering devotion to God. Let's explore the qualities that contributed to Daniel's excellent spirit and see how we can develop the same spirit within ourselves.

1. Integrity and Character:

Daniel was described as a man without blemish. This means that he had a strong moral character and was free from any flaws that could hinder his service to the king. In our spiritual journey, we must strive to rid ourselves of blemishes by repenting of our sins and accepting Jesus into our lives. Through His blood, our sins are washed away, allowing us to develop an excellent spirit.

2. Influence and Encouragement:

Daniel was well-favored among his peers and had the ability to positively influence those around him. Having an excellent spirit means being an encourager, lifting others up, and inspiring them to reach their full potential. We need more people with an excellent spirit in the church and in the world, speaking words of affirmation and helping others believe in themselves.

3. Knowledge and Wisdom:

Daniel was skilled in all wisdom and had a deep understanding of various subjects. To develop an excellent spirit, we must be willing to learn and acquire knowledge. This requires reading, studying, and applying ourselves to gain wisdom. As we delve into God's Word, we gain spiritual knowledge and wisdom that can be used to bless others.

4. Self-Control and Manners:

Daniel knew how to conduct himself with self-control and good manners. He understood protocol and knew when to speak and when to listen. Developing an excellent spirit involves controlling our actions, thinking before we speak, and keeping ourselves in check. By doing so, we avoid causing unnecessary problems and conflicts in our relationships.

5. Humility and Obedience:

Daniel humbled himself under the mighty hand of God, allowing Him to exalt him in due time. An excellent spirit is a humble spirit that obeys the leading of the Holy Spirit. We must learn to submit ourselves to God's will and trust His timing for exaltation.


Let us learn from Daniel's example and strive to cultivate an excellent spirit within ourselves. By developing integrity, influencing others positively, acquiring knowledge and wisdom, practicing self-control, and embracing humility, we can walk in the footsteps of Daniel and experience the blessings of an excellent spirit. May God empower us to live with an excellent spirit that brings glory to His name.

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