
Cry Out

PRO Sermon
Created by Sermon Research Assistant on Feb 19, 2024
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Emphasizes God's compassion, His attentiveness to our cries in times of need, and His power to bring comfort and deliverance.


Good morning, dear brothers and sisters. It's a joy to be here with you today, sharing in the warmth of God's love and the fellowship of His people. We gather here, not as strangers, but as a family united under the banner of God's grace. Today, we are going to be looking into the heart of God's Word, drawing from the wellspring of wisdom found in the book of Psalms.

Our Scripture for today is Psalms 34:6, which says,

"This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles."

This is a verse that speaks of the compassion of our God, the tenderness of His heart towards those who call upon Him. It's a beautiful reminder of His attentiveness to our cries, His readiness to respond, and His power to bring comfort and deliverance.

As we consider this Scripture, we will be focusing on three main points: Hearing the Cry, Heeding the Call, and Harvesting the Comfort. These points will guide our understanding of how God interacts with us in our times of need.

Hearing the Cry

The psalmist paints a vivid picture of a man in distress, a man who is poor not just in material wealth but in spirit. He is at the end of his rope, with no one to turn to, no one to help him out of his predicament. It is in this state of desperation that he cries out to the Lord. His cry is not a whisper, not a mumble, but a loud and desperate plea for help. This cry is not unheard. It does not fall on deaf ears. The Lord hears it. He is not distant or detached. He is near, attentive, and responsive. His ears are always open to the cries of His children. He is not a God who is far off, but a God who is close at hand, a God who hears.

What does it mean that God hears our cry?: It means that He is aware of our situation. He knows our troubles, our fears, our anxieties. He knows the depth of our pain, the weight of our burdens. He knows the tears we shed, the sighs we heave, the groans we utter. He knows because He hears.

Hearing is about understanding: God doesn't just know our troubles, He understands them. He understands because He has been there. He has walked in our shoes. He has felt our pain. He has carried our burdens. He has wept our tears. He understands because He hears.

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Hearing is about caring: God doesn't just understand our troubles, He cares about them. He cares because He loves us. He loves us with an everlasting love, a love that is deep, wide, high, and long. A love that surpasses knowledge. A love that compels Him to action. He cares because He hears.

Hearing is about responding: God doesn't just care about our troubles, He responds to them. He responds with comfort, with deliverance, with salvation. He responds with grace, with mercy, with love. He responds because He hears.

It's a life-changing truth: It changes the way we view our troubles. It changes the way we handle our fears. It changes the way we approach our trials. It changes the way we live our lives. Because we know that we are not alone. We know that we are heard. We know that we are understood. We know that we are cared for. And we know that we are responded to. All because God hears our cry.

Heeding the Call

Word study: As we move forward, let's consider the depth of the phrase "the Lord heard him ... View this full PRO sermon free with PRO

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