
Summary: What the impact of Galatians 2:20 should be in every Christian’s life.

This Scripture, Galatians 2:20 is the confident statement of every true Christian. In this one statement by the Apostle Paul, brings to our hearts the reminder of who the children of God belong to, and the source of the victorious Christian Life in all circumstances. This Scripture should be to every Christian:

I. Personal

A. "Crucified"-Death on the Cross

1. Old man is dead

(What you and I were before Christian Conversion)

a. Ephesians 4:22-24

b. Colossians 3:9

B. Crucified with Christ

1. Romans 6:1-5

a. V2 Dead to sin-Christ on the Cross

(Tasted death for all)

b. V3 The work of the Holy Spirit at

Salvation-I Cor 12:13

c. V4,5 The Walk in Newness of Life.

C. "I Live, yet not I, but Christ liveth in me"

1. Romans 6:6-14

a. V6-Know the facts-Death has no more authority.

1.) The person I was before Christ is


2.) Power of sin has no longer


3.) Power to serve Christ, not the

old master, sinful self-V8

b. V11-Reckon, that it is done by Faith

1.) The sin account paid in full.

2.)Take all the facts of Christ complete atoning work, your position in them, remind yourself it is a done deal totally through faith by the grace of God.

c. V13-Determine to act upon the facts and


1.) Don’t give in to the flesh-sin


2.) Do give yourself, mind, body &

soul as "instruments of Righteous

ness to God.

II. Passionate

"I live by the faith of the Son of God"

"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word

of God."

A. His Word is Trustworthy and True

Psalm 118:89 "Forever, O Lord, thy word is

settled in Heaven."

I live in:

1. His Promises:

a. John 3:16-18

b. John 15:26

c. John 14:27

d. John 10:9

e. I John 1:9

2. His Power:

a. Matt 28:18

b. Acts 1:8

c. Phil 4:13,19

3. His Providence:

a. John 10: 27-29

b. John 14:1-3

c. I John 3:2

d. John 17: 15-17

e. Eph 2: 6-7

III. Profound

"Who loved me, and gave Himself for me."

A. Romans 5:8

B. Matthew 20:28

C. Ephesians 2:8

Galatians 2:20 is Personal, Passionate, & Profound

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