
Summary: How we are made in the image of our Creator to be innovative

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Unit 2 – Creativity

Lesson 3

Definition of creativity – Using the abilities and gifts God has given us to do His work

Key Verse – I Cor. 9:22b – I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some.

For the Teacher’s Preparation

1. The Aim: To help the people learn how the Lord can use our creative abilities for His purposes.

2. Explanation of the Aim: Everyone benefits from people who know how to innovate better ways of getting things accomplished. In today’s lesson we learn how Jehoida used creative abilities to restore the king’s son to the throne for God’s purposes.

3. Study the Scriptures: 2 Chronicles 22:10-23:21

The Lord greatly used Jehoida to design a strategy to launch a coup in restoring the king’s son to the throne. Athaliah represented a break in the continuity of David’s dynasty. Sometimes God will allow things to get worse so that He can use people like Jehoida to make things better.

4. Prepare to Teach: Study the passage very carefully. In the INTRODUCTION the people will hear of ways that Paul the apostle used creative strategies to take the gospel to the Gentiles in Acts chapter 19, amidst much resistance. The BIBLE STORY explains how God used Jehoida to design a clever way to restore the king’s son to his rightful place on the throne of the Jews. For the MEANING FOR OUR LIVES allow the students to explore ways that they can be more innovative in sharing the gospel with their friends.

Class Time (Begin With Prayer)


What are some of the ways that the early missionaries used creativity to spread the good news of Jesus Christ throughout Nigeria? What were some of the ways that they cleverly used medicine, education and new methods to bring the gospel to new culture? What are some of the advantages of being creative as opposed to just using the same old traditional methods to solve problems? Why do you suppose that creative people are usually the ones who get to become leaders? Have the people write their name in a creative way so that others will tend to notice their name when it is noticed?

Bible Story: 2 Chronicles 22:10-23:21

The Bible teaches us that Athaliah sinfully destroyed the whole royal family of the house of Judah. The Lord raised up a Godly man named Jehoida to organize a large number of people to overthrow this wicked woman. God guided Jehoida with a plan that would help resolve a very complicated problem. Sometimes the Lord gives people extraordinary wisdom to help coordinate the efforts of many in restoring peace to a troubled situation. The Spirit of God knows how to best mobilize people according to their gifts, abilities and callings for the accomplishing of His will.

In this lesson we learn how God gave Jehoida supernatural guidance in formulating a plan that would delegate responsibilities to people suited for their tasks. All of the key people followed Jehoida’s plan because they sensed that He was being led by the hand of God. When people know that we have prayed and trusted God for our creative thinking they are more apt to follow our leadership.

Jehoida was a priest who loved the Lord and listened closely to His will. The Lord often gives men of God supernatural wisdom in leading His people to do great exploits that prove God’s mighty power through their deeds. The man of God in this passage knew how to use his own connections in the priesthood to inspire men of lesser faith to follow him in overthrowing the wicked Athaliah. Jehoida wisely made a covenant with the key commanders of the military: Azariah, Ishmael, Maaselah, and Elishaphat. The Lord works His creative plan through willing servants.

Jehoida showed enterprising genius in stationing one third of the priests to watch at the doors, a third at the royal palace and a third at the Fountain Gate. Wise strategists ofoten provide great protection to key people like the king’s son in the event of surprises by the opposition. By covering all of the strategic points where people might congregate, Jehoida’s men were positioned to influence the masses. Often, creative people only need a small number of faithful followers to impact thousands for God’s greater purposes.

Jehoida gave explicit instructions that no one should enter the temple of the Lord as an expression of obedience and fear of God. Godly people who are creative restrict their innovations within the parameters of what is holy, just and Biblically correct. The Holy Spirit of God does not lead people to disobey His word to accomplish His perfect will. God’s will must be done in God’s way if it is to garner God’s support.

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