Creation, Part 4 Series
Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Part 4 describes for us the creation of the sun, moon, and stars and reveals to us the awesome power of God to form these things with His hands.
Creation Series, Part 4
Genesis 1:14-19
- We are right in the middle of a series discussing the Creation of everything we see
- So, to bring everyone up to date allow me to give a short recap of where we are
- 1) We have a Creator, He is God, and He has given us a clear account of His story
- 2) What we find ourselves in is a situation that separates all of us: Do we believe?
-- If you do not believe this account, you fall into one of these two categories:
- Theistic Evolutionist: Believes that God is real, yet He used evolution to evolve all things in this world to include the creation of mankind
- Naturalistic Evolutionist (which most non-believers are): Believes that everything evolved by accident, and that there is no God nor Creator
-- Evolution uses the formula: “Nobody times Nothing equals Everything!”
-- This is absolutely the wrong angle for us and is at the heart of our beliefs
- There is no middle ground on this issue and it is here we must answer for ourselves
- Before we can even see the Redeemer, who is Jesus, we must see the Creator
-- We must see the Glory of a Creator who specifically put each thing into place
- APP: If we cannot see the work of the Creator; can we see the work of a Messiah?
- As a believer, we have to be willing to refute the commentaries of today
- Scientists, teachers, and pundits from all walks of life wish to denounce Creation
- It is critical that we are able to demonstrate a clear logic in our thinking
-- But, not only clear logic … but a Biblically based explanation to the Creation account
- Evolution has NEVER been observed, documented, or recorded with any factual basis
- It is a formula used by those seeking to discredit God; and it is a false doctrine!
- Last week, we discussed the formation of dry land, the seas, and the awesome power of God which provided vegetation in one (1) 24 hour time frame
- Evolutionists want to give you all kinds of theories about how things came into be
-- How we were once apes, before that we were fish, before that we were slime
- Creatures on this Earth (regardless of how created) – MUST produce their own kind
- This is a fact of science, which biologist confirm, and geneticists stand on
-- IMP: He doesn’t use these words just once, but 10 times in Genesis Chapter 1
-- The words are, “according to his own kind …”
- Naturally, you can have some cross-pollination, but you don’t get a totally new species
-- If you breed a flower and a blade of grass you don’t get a pine tree; you get nothing!
- IMP: There is NOTHING in scripture that supports something evolved from anything
- Let’s read up to our text so we have the complete view of where we are
- Stand and read Genesis 1:1-19 (Today’s focus starts at v14)
- Pray
Point 1 – There are Lights in the Heavens
- God created dry land; called the seas to their place, and created the atmosphere
- And now, we see His craftsmanship again to create the celestial bodies above
- Back on Day 1 God created “light” but this light that was created was NOT the sun
- How do I know? Verses 2-5 are missing critical phrase, “It was so”; thus, not fixed
- When God says “it was so”, we see items that are fixed and permanent in their location
-- “It was so” is used in verses: 7, 9, 11, 15, 24, and 30 – but not in verses 2-5
- Therefore, the light in verse 3 is “light”, and it separates the darkness, but not the sun
- Note that (v14) God said (command of the universe) … Let there be lights (plural)
-- This is different from v3, let there be light (singular) – this is the key to note here
- God commands that these bodies would be given to serve (to be signs) in the heavens
- These were to demonstrate the seasons, days, and years: dividing the time
- Based on the tilt of the Earth (remember it has an odd rotation) it determines:
-- Seasons, years, months, days; it is a God placed and the Romans 1st recorded this
-- This calendar recorded on a 10 month basis in 700s BC by the ruler, Romulus
- More simply: 24 hours makes up a day, and the sun and moon are what sets the day
- That’s it, there is nothing magical and mystical in this; it records a length of a day