
Summary: Each sin has a distinct and rotten odour. Our sins produce a pungent, unbearable and intolerable odour in God's nostrils. Yet God visits our church and services on a weekly basis.

In a dream, God took a young person to a church service attended by a large crowd of people. The preaching and worship were good. On the outside, everything looked good. God then opened the young person's nostrils. There was a strong, pungent, unpleasant and unbearable smell coming. It's difficult to withstand such an odour. But God continued to stay in the service. God was walking, and in front of everyone, a unique distinct pungent smell was coming. There was a distinct pungent smell coming in front of everyone. One person smelt spoilt meat, while the other smelt rotting fish. There were many different pungent odours coming, but God still stayed in the service and among the people.

Just like food that is accumulated for many days produce a rotten smell, sins that are accumulated over days or months produce a pungent rotten smell. We must cleanse our hearts of known and unknown sins, as they produce a rotten smell. God comes and stays in our services despite the strong pungent rotten odour of sins. God, who is perfect and lives in the Holy of Holies, comes to our stinking hearts(with sin) and knocks on door of our hearts. This is God's goodness, love and mercy. We think our sins are hidden from God, but they produce a terrible rotten odour in God's nostrils. Each sin has a distinct and rotten odour. Our sins produce a pungent, unbearable and intolerable odour in God's nostrils. Yet God visits our church and services on a weekly basis.

Even though our sins produce a nasty odour, God still comes and desires to live in our hearts. Maybe David's prayer in Psalms 51 - Create in me a clean heart - was meant literally. His sins accumulated in his heart were causing a rotten odour, therefore he asked God to cleanse his heart. Create in me a clean heart by removing the sins and their rotten odour. Let us also pray the same prayer to God: Create in me( my heart) a pure and clean dwelling place for God. Ask God to cleanse your hearts of all sin and it’s disgusting stench on a daily basis with Jesus' blood. Don't take sin lightly, and repent of your sins every day. Let the purity of your heart be your top priority. Let your prayer be: "Give me clean hands and a pure heart."

Let you become a pure and clean dwelling place for God.

Ask God to open your nostrils so that you may smell the foul smell of your sins, and you will realise the damage that sin caused in your life. If God opens our nostrils, we will immediately repent, realising how much it has damaged our relationship with Jesus.

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