
Summary: Currently we are facing unprecedented times. The entire planet is facing a Pandemic called “COVID-19” or aka the Coronavirus. Fear, uncertainty, panic and desperation is spreading faster than the virus itself. States have been put on lock down and people are being told to shelter in place.

Yes there is uncertainty facing us in the days ahead but if we will seek His face and stay in the secret place God will deliver us.

It’s time for us the people of God since the church doors are closed to show the world the building is not the church but we must show them that we are the church. Stay in the secret place of the Most High, pray without ceasing, show the World that the Kingdom of God is at hand. Give God all the Glory and all the praise and remember we have the victory in Jesus.

Psalm 91 1-16 The place, The promise, The Victory.

Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr.

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