
Summary: We are entering Daniel 7:9 season. The thrones were being put in place, and anytime soon the Ancient of Days will be seated on one of these thrones.

“I watched till thrones were put in place, And the Ancient of Days was seated; His garment was white as snow, And the hair of His head was like pure wool. His throne was a fiery flame, Its wheels a burning fire; A fiery stream issued And came forth from before Him. A thousand thousands ministered to Him; Ten thousand times ten thousand stood before Him. The court was seated, And the books were opened.” Daniel 7:9 &10

We are entering Daniel 7:9 season. The thrones were being put in place, and anytime soon the Ancient of Days will be seated on one of these thrones. The thrones have wheels and are being put in place signifies that all plans and purposes regarding the end times are being executed and are at fulfilment stage. The time has come for God to bring this age or era to a close. God is speeding up His work through his working spirits ( or angels) to close this age. On a daily basis, things are changing fastly to fulfil God’s plan. All promises and purposes for the end times are being fulfilled at an alarming rate. There is a sound of heavenly chariots heard and preparing for war.

The ancient seals that have been sealed and hidden are about to be opened. Lot of changes are happening in the heavenlies. Daniel watched the thrones were put in place, which means he witnessed the end times unfolding in which the working spirits are moving the thrones (fulfilling God's plans) for the Ancient of Days to take His rightful place. Thrones were put in place - this implies means that he witnessed the entire end times, during which He might have seen the entire external or worldly events (wars, pestilences, Anti-Christ and so on) unfold along with the establishment of the heavenly courts of the Ancient of Days. The Bible simply mentions this vision in few verses, but Daniel could have seen and experienced this vision for days or months. If Daniel wrote down everything he saw in this vision, it would take at least 100 books. How would we feel if we saw the same vision through Daniel's eyes?

Courts of Ancient of Days can be a gigantic auditorium the size of the universe, holding thousands upon thousands of angels. Never before or after has such a magnificent sight been witnessed or heard. Daniel was able to see such a magnificent sight. If there was a temperature measuring device, it would be burst in such high radioactive temperatures. The temperatures are so extreme that even massive arch angels are struggling to survive. The throne was fiery flame, its wheels blazing fire, and a river of fire flowed from His presence. Everything around Ancient of Days was burning and on fire; imagine how hot or intense Ancient of Days would be. In this vision, the Ancient of Days was the source of all fire. Daniel survived to tell about this vision.

Daniel sustained such a high temperature vision. Daniel's eyes were not burned. In such high temperatures near the Ancient of Days, fire changes colour and can even become radioactive. Everything was on fire, imagine how much of that fire touched Daniel’s life?

The scene or setting in which Daniel saw the vision was like: he saw the Ancient of Days inside a live, massive volcano with fire everywhere. It was unusual and very high intensity or temperature vision which Daniel saw. Imagine how Daniel saw, sustained and survived such a high intensity or high temperature vision. It's no surprise Daniel was sick for days after these kinds of visions or experiences.

Fire of God is a hallmark characteristic of God’s end time work. Angelic activity is involved to move or put the thrones in its place. The angels or working spirits carry out God’s end time plans with the Fire of God. Everything is done with God's Fire. The fire of God is very dangerous; it burns sin, and when the sinner is full of sin, it completely burns or destroys the sinner. This fire could be the same as the one that destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. God's fire is both constructive and destructive. The Fire of God around the Ancient of Days could be incredibly hot, much exceeding the temperature at the sun's core, which can be more than 5000 degrees Celsius. God's end-time plans are carried out through the fire of God.

If you want to be used by God in the end times, you must also be filled with the same high intensity fire flowing from the presence of the Ancient of Days. Are you prepared to sustain and withstand God's intense fire? Ask God to prepare you and fill you with the fire of God that flows from the presence of the Ancient of Days. The working spirits with God's fire are bringing God's end-time plans to a close. The Ancient of Days is about to appear on the scene and take His rightful place on the throne. Are you prepared and ready to face the Ancient of Days seated on the throne of fire?

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