
Courageous Leadership in Times of Change

Created by SermonCentral on Sep 10, 2023
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A discourse on the necessity for men of courage and integrity during periods of transition.


During times of transition, it is crucial to have men of courage and integrity who can discern the needs of the hour. In the book of 1 Chronicles, we find a group of men from the tribe of Issachar who possessed this unique ability. They understood the times and knew what Israel should do. Let us explore their example and learn from their wisdom.

Understanding the Times

To understand the times means to have a deep awareness and discernment of the current situation. The men of Issachar had experiential knowledge and were able to interpret God's written word by recognizing the significance of past events and applying those lessons to the present and future.

In Scripture, we find other examples of individuals who understood the times and knew what to do. Moses, for instance, led Israel from bondage to the promised land. He was educated in the wisdom of the Egyptians and had a powerful ability to communicate. Joshua, too, learned from experience and was declared by Moses to be his successor because he was a man in whom the Spirit resided.

However, as time passed, a new generation arose in Israel that did not know the Lord or what He had done. They lacked the understanding and wisdom of their predecessors, leading to a cycle of turning away from God, suffering defeat, crying out for help, and being rescued by judges. This pattern continued because the people did not truly know the Lord.

Our Role in Understanding the Times

Unlike the people of Israel in the past, we have an advantage. Through the new covenant, we have received the Spirit of God, who enables us to understand what God has freely given us. We have access to the deep things of God and can discern His will for our lives and for the church.


We are living in a crucial time, and the church is constantly changing. But we have the Spirit of God within us, guiding us and revealing His plans to us. Let us be like the men of Issachar, who understood the times and knew what Israel should do. May we seek wisdom, knowledge, and understanding from the Spirit, so that we can effectively fulfill our role in the work of the kingdom. With God's guidance, we can make a difference and accomplish great things for His glory.

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