Couples Guide - Introduction Series
Contributed by Dove Inspirations on Jun 12, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: A holding hand for men and women wanting to marry or already in marriage
This is a series based on Christian Principles as documented in the bible. This series is designed for men and women who desire to serve YAHWEH in marriage. Nowadays, people want to serve YAHWEH the way they want and get away with it, yet YAHWEH is ELOHIM and HE will be served the way HE wants to be served. There are consequences to disobeying YAHWEH or alternatively put doing it our own way.
This series can also serve as a self help guide for men and women who are already married and who seek to glorify YAHWEH in their marriage and allow their relationships concur with YAHWEH’s will. This book also gives young people following and interested in following YAHSHUA , HIS vision, mission and road map for a marriage as HE is the Author and Designer of this most honorable institution.
The purposes of marriage are:
For enjoyment and fulfillment
For companionship
For procreation and provision of a support system for children to be born into the world and supported not only by the nuclear family but also the extended family.
For the establishment of social relations and a guide to the management of the se social relations
To provide an avenue for proper and regulated sexual conduct
To be the building block of the community
To serve as a guide for other persons wanting to enter marriages
All the purposes of marriage are not enumerated here but it is clear that marriage is not only a service to man but is also a service to GOD for those who are called to it.
Marriage is not for all. Marriage is not compulsory and it should not be forced down the throats of the children of GOD. A single life can also be just as fulfilling if one is called into it.
Life itself already promises challenges, to avoid marital related challenges especially in the lives of the children of GOD, it is prudent to follow the guidelines and plan of GOD, learn from the joys and mistakes of others and be committed to this honorable institution.
Remember, Beloved, that marriage is one of the few things that our parents Adam and Eve left the garden of Eden with. Our FATHER, GOD, is not a kill joy and thrill wrecker. HE has clearly put these rules and regulations in place to ensure that marriage adds value to the people and families involved as well as the whole world in general . This is part of HIS plan for human beings and creation.