
Summary: A guide for those seeking to serve GOD in marriage

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What do we do? What is the ideal?

Step 1

The first step to redeeming this situation as always is in surrendering one’s life to YAHSHUA . This means accepting that we live in a fallen state which the Bible describes as death. This came about because of the actions of Adam and Eve. The subsequent actions of man have drawn mankind further and further away from YAHWEH and into a state of despair and hopelessness. However, thanks be to YAHWEH, because in HIS great mercy and love HE put in place a plan of redemption. Knowing that we are totally unable and incapacitated by sin, He took our sins and fallen nature on HIMSELF and paid the penalty on the cross. Sometimes we insist on paying the penalty ourselves though it has already been paid. This being so, one must accept that we are lost and that YAHSHUA  came to seek and save that which is lost. Failure to accept this leads to further human degradation, loss and eventually eternal death.

Marriage did not escape unaffected by the fall of man. YAHWEH’s original idea of marriage was also perverted by the enemy and as early as the book of Genesis we see polygamy and demons sexually interacting with mankind. Life with and under the dominion of YAHSHUA  the second Adam is the only way out.

Step 2

Make a conscious decision to stay away from all forms of evil and purpose to live up to YAHWEH’s standards, even as concerns your sexuality, your marriage and all your relationships with others. It is possible. You may ask what is evil? Evil is anything that is not YAHWEH’s will for you.

There may be a price to pay like Joseph did but it’s worth it, it’s worth the trouble. The bible teaches that Samson threw all caution to the wind when it came to his relationships. In both cases not only Joseph and Samson reaped the consequences of their actions the whole world was affected in one way or another. To this day one is an example of self control the other an example of wanton self destruction at the altar of sex, anointing notwithstanding. The bible also describes Jezebel as a woman who inspired her husband to be the most wicked man on earth. Some relationships are inspired the devil and it is the duty of the Christian to ensure that they do not walk into these traps by remaining in the Vine.

The Bible instructs Husbands to love their wives as YAHSHUA loved the church and gave HIS life for the same church. The Bible instructs women to respect and submit to their husbands. Simply put this is YAHWEH’s plan and purpose.

Many have tried to twist, turn, edit, interpret and apply this scriptures. Basically, that is what YAHWEH said, anything apart from this is rebellion and witchcraft. YAHWEH says what HE means and means what HE says. The Bible gives clear depictions of couples that followed this in certain instances and the results were world changing. It is highly unlikely that if Mr. Abraham would have followed the call of YAHWEH if Mrs. Abraham refused and was whiny all the way. YAHWEH needed the two of them to carry out HIS purpose. They submitted to HIM with all their faults and YAHWEH still used them.

Mary and Joseph are another couple who submitted to the plan of YAHWEH against all odds and in very difficult situations. They could both have claimed they were hallucinating but they submitted to YAHWEH and hence our Savior YAHSHUA  was born.

You do not have to be perfect. Come as you are to YAHWEH. Let HIM tell you HIS plan for your marriage, follow it. Do not aim to be like other couples. Every couple has their unique identity, assignment and destiny. As a Christian this is your duty.

A modern example of submission is Derek Prince and his ministry. First married to a woman thirty years his senior at the instruction of YAHWEH, he entered into ministry. Later, after the death of his first wife a marriage that lasted twenty years, the LORD instructed him to marry his second wife and Derek prince Ministries exploded.

What is the purpose of your marriage? Only YAHWEH can tell you. Ask and it shall be given unto you.

Step 3

It doesn’t matter what the rest are doing, what the talk shows say, what products surround you and what agenda the internationals are pushing, what the media is advancing and whatever environment surrounds you. Lot raised two virgin daughters in Sodom. Even Sara the wife of Abraham was protected by YAHWEH from evil because she was in line with YAHWEH’s purposes for her life. It is therefore possible for one to live a life pleasing to YAHWEH regardless of the circumstances

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