
Summary: Let Christ be first in your thought in the morning and He will be last in your thought everyday.

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Judas heard the word from the Lord:

“One of you is going to betray me tonight.” Everyone of Jesus’ disciples began to say, “Lord, is it I?” When Judas asked the same question, the Lord said, “You said so.” That was enough for somebody whose head was not anchored to defeat. Delilah said to Samson, “Tell me the secret of your power, that I might destroy you.” Samson heard that and still allowed it to happen to him.

The Lord has been warning that many people are working behind schedule, and that is scarring. He says that there are so many prophets and prophetesses who by themselves have gone on continuous incubation without hatching, and that many prophets have become parrots, talking too much. Many evangelists have become oracles of the devil and God is now in the process of project transfer, that is, “If this one is silent, the stones shall speak.” I pray that the Lord will not replace us in Jesus’ name. These are very serious matters.

When the Lord says, “Stones shall arise,” He does not mean that stones shall come up and begin to talk. He is saying that hardened people that we never thought would accept the Lord will accept Him and He will bombard them with power and those who have been born again for years will now be carrying their bags for them. It is very sad that we are working behind schedule.

John 18:17: “Then saith the damsel that kept the door unto Peter, Art not thou also one of this man’s disciples? He saith, I am not.”

The word “Christians” is mentioned only once in the Bible and the word “Christian” appears twice. But in the New Testament, believers are called disciples over and over again


A Christian disciple is one who learns of Christ; who follows Christ and obeys Him. In the Bible, we see that the Pharisees had their own disciples. John the Baptist, had his own disciples, and in His days on earth Jesus had His own amongst whom were the apostles whom He chose to be with Him.

In the Bible as well, the term “disciple” is applied to all who followed the Lord, many of whom the book of John tells us that after He had preached a message, they said, “This is a hard saying, who can bear it?” So, they went away and walked no more with Him.

Christ has very many disciples throughout the whole world today. Every Christian should be a disciple. Unfortunately, this is not so and that is why the church of God has problems. We need to make a distinction between being a Christian and being a disciple. Somebody may hear an altar call and come forward to surrender his life to Jesus. He may go through a foundational class, be baptized in water, and by the grace of God got to know about sanctification and the baptism in the Holy Spirit. He could pass through all these experiences but it does not mean that he is a disciple. You are a believer, okay; but that is completely different from being a disciple. It is possible to be a Christian, be saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost and still not be a disciple. Many of them are eaters and not givers. Many churchgoers are following their brains, their persons, their families and their pastors, but not Jesus. This is because they are not disciples.

To be a disciple means to be a disciplined Christian. A Christian who is a disciple does not lose his temper and start fighting. He can discipline his temper. A disciplined Christian is not the kind that would break his fast and be pretending as if he was fasting.

A disciple does not only become a Christian but follows on to know the Lord. No wonder the Bible says, “Unto the children of Israel, God shows His works but unto Moses, He shows His ways.” Which one is better? It is only a disciple that can know the way. The miracle seekers know only the works of God, they are afraid of discipline.

A disciple follows on to know the Lord. Paul said, “That I might know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His suffering.” A disciple is like Mary of Bethany who sat at the feet of Jesus and learned of Him. Discipleship is therefore a costly business; very costly. For example, you would be rejected and ridiculed by others. You would be asked to do things for others whether they deserve it or not. You follow God’s leading, no matter the personal cost it involves. So, discipleship has a price. And because it is a costly business, 90% of churchgoers are not disciples. This is unfortunate.

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