Counseling Competencies
Contributed by Paul Fritz on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Counseling Competencies
Counseling Competencies
Luke 2:52
1. Cross-Cultural Communications - Knows the culture of the counselee as well as one’s own cultural presuppositions. Exhibits a willingness to learn, appreciate, and work through the counselee’s cultural norms. Is willing to follow Christ’s incarnational model of dealing with cross-cultural problems. Shows facility in differentiating between Biblical and cultural pricniples.
2. Biblical Knowledge - Is convinced that the scriptures are the word of God. Knows, loves, and meditates on the Bible. Knows how to do exegesis and interpretation in a way that the counselee can relate to the truth and its applications. Shows facility in helping the counselee find real solutions to difficult problems through the scriptures. Evidences a skill in preaching, teaching, and using the Bible as a counseling manual.
3. Theological Knowledge - Knows God, Christ, and the Spirit in a way that is clear from his counseling. Understands the priorities of the Godhead as seen in a balanced counseling approach. Understands the doctrines as well as how they integrate into the personal and corporate will of God. Knows the function of the church in relations to counseling individuals and families.Utilizes the principles of sound theological counseling as a basis for training counselors.
4. Church Relations - Is a committed and active member of a church fellowship where one’s gifts are utilized. Exhibits a good testimony and evidences a cooperative spirit. Knows how to work with and through church authorities in counseling. Knows how to inform the church about the needs and methods of one’s counseling ministry. Maintains communication with various people in the church who are blessed with the whole range of spiritual gifts. Knows how to relate to other church bodies through an integrative counseling ministry.
5. Cultural Anthropology - Knows how to use cultural anthropological skills in counseling. Is aware of how different perceptions are affected by cultural conditioning. Shows respect and an openness to other cultural approaches to counseling. Can contextualize one’s counseling according to various cultures. Sees with a cultural anthropologist’s eyes. Learn to adapt his counseling to changing cultures. Remains informed about how culture affects the counselees and the processes of counseling.
6. Linguistic Orientation - Shows a disciplined attitude toward learning and using appropriate counseling language. Learns to exhibit a proficiency in adjusting one’s vocabulary to each counselee. Is willing to learn other language phrases to help win rapport and trust with counselees. Learns to recognize idiomatic phrases and terms that are important to each counselee’s subculture. Has some experience with language learning.
7. Leadership - Knows how to follow the Lord, His word, and His Spirit. Evidences a skill in planning, organizing, controlling, directing, delegating, and evaluating. Knows how to detect and use other peoples’ gifts in counseling. Has experience in leading others through a counseling ministry. Knows how to work and lead a team of people in the counseling processes. Shows a facility in leading others through the entire gamut of the counseling training processes.
8. Christian Ethics - Demonstrates a knowledge and conviction with Biblical ethics of counseling. Analyzes ethical norms in terms of the Bible and culture. Shows a consistent honest, moral, and upright charater in making difficult decisions. Respects the laws and regulations while showing a diplomatic flair for navigating through difficult counseling situations. Facilitates the adoption of an indigenous, Biblical, and effective ethic in counseling.
9. Practical Abilities - Knows how to make the most of every counseling situation. Knows how to help people make the most of every opportunity with available resources. Demonstrates a skill in using materials, machines, and people in ways that bring out the best in everyone. Evidences a skill in growing, raising, and restoring people to union with God and other Christians. Has a knowledge and skill in both preventative and remedial counseling procedures.
10. Spiritual Life - Evidences an intimate relationship with God in growing in grace and in knowledge of Christ. Has faith to help counselees through the process of growing in maturity. Knows the principles and practices of using spiritual warfare in counseling. Knows how to use the power of prayer and fasting in counseling. Demonstrates the fruit of the Spirit in counseling. Uses ones spiritual gifts through an attitude of service through doing the full will of God.
11. Discipleship - Uses counseling to help disciple people both individually as well as in groups. Shows sensitivity to discipling men using men and women with mature ladies. Transmits one’s life through counseling as well as one’s teaching. Exhibits a Pastoral counseling spirit and skill. Develops disciple-makers through one’s counseling ministry.
12. Evangelism - Uses counseling in bringing many people to faith in Jesus Christ. Demonstrates a passion for souls through the counseling ministry. Recognizes that counseling skills taught to the congregation can be an effective means of follow-up ministries. Learns how to identify with new converts in counseling. Practices personal evangelism as well as engagin in counseling ministries. Integrates the methods and message of salvation into most counseling sessions.