Corporate Prayer
Contributed by J. Yeargin on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Hopefully each of us are burdened for the Lord to have His way with us as individuals while having His way with us as a church (i.e., a corporate body of believers). The fact is we all are in this together.We all have a huge responsibility to see God’s pl
We continue to look closely at the importance of prayer within our church. Quite frankly, we need to hear from the Lord on several issues our church is now faced with. As well, we need to reckon ourselves to the fact that prayer is not an option for us. Rather, prayer must be considered an essential to our future.
Please don’t misunderstand and think that the leadership of this church is panicked, or in serious trouble of any kind. Not at all. But apparently God is wanting to get our undivided attention…thru’ prayer.
As people change - the church also will change.
Hopefully each of us are burdened for the Lord to have His way with us as individuals while having His way with us as a church (i.e., a corporate body of believers).
The fact is we all are in this together.
We all have a huge responsibility to see God’s plan for this church to grow and glorify Him.
The key word for us today is CORPORATE. Simply put - None of us are going it alone…we are all in this together. We all have a stake in what God is wanting done with this church.
Furthermore, nothing that needs to be changed in our church will ever change until first each of us experience changes individually. Consider this - Did you know that many of your decisions directly affect what happens or doesn’t happen in this church?
No one should think of themselves as sitting on the sidelines with nothing to do but watch the players on the field. The coach has put everybody into the game!
As of this morning, CORPORATE PRAYER is certainly one of the most (if not the most) critical issues facing our church (as a whole). Prayer is more important than any other situation we are facing. This is our third week talking about prayer, and I am sensing from the Lord this is exactly what He wants us to hear and apply.
Many of us may be wondering what we should be praying about, or even how to pray...have you ever felt that way? You may know that prayer is important, but are not exactly sure how to go about it…
It is sort of like the story of the little girl and her mother. It seems the mother had put together a special dinner for some friends that her husband had invited over. The mother had worked hard all day preparing the food while her little girl watched closely.
Finally the time came for someone to ask the blessing over the meal. The mother looked at her little girl and decided that she should be the one to pray. The little girl looked up at her mother and said, “But Mommy, I don’t think I know how to pray.” The mother said, “Oh honey, you have heard Mommy pray before…just pray one of the prayers you’ve heard Mommy pray…” The little girl said, “Okay…” She thought for a moment and then prayed, “Oh Lord! Why on earth did I ever invite all of these people over for dinner?”
Listen – God wants to hear from you even when you are not sure what to pray or how to pray. Likewise – God wants to hear from Lighthouse Assembly of God as a CORPORATE FELLOWSHIP. Even if we are not sure what or how to pray, God wants us all to pray as a church. God not only wants to hear from you as an individual, but He wants to hear from all of us as the Family of God…
Text: Matthew 18:19 – 20
Many times Christians think that their prayer life is a very personal thing, and for the most part this is true. Unfortunately, some will use this as an excuse for not being a part of a public prayer. And yet – Jesus knew of the power of CORPORATE PRAYER. Jesus certainly wanted His disciples to pray together as a group of believers. He demonstrated this in how he prayed.
Many Christians look to the “Lord’s Prayer” as the model prayer for us to learn how to pray. And yet they often miss the very first bit of instruction from Jesus when He said (and I quote), “Our Father…”
Notice Jesus did not say, “My Father…” I am convinced that God dearly wants His people to be unified and corporately focused on praying together. If we can be unified in how and when we pray, then we will find it easier to be unified in what takes place with our church.
This makes sense to me and I hope it does to you…
Unfortunately when an altar call is made, not everyone feels comfortable in coming to the front to pray with those who have needs, or simply want to pray.