Contagious Cristianity
Contributed by Bret Bone on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: How many of you here are familiar with the movie called the Avenger’s? The main characters in this movie are all super heroes…there’s Captain America…The Incredible Hulk…Iron Man…and Thor... Even though they all star in their own films…In the Avenger mo
How many of you here are familiar with the movie called the Avenger’s?
The main characters in this movie are all super heroes…there’s Captain America…The Incredible Hulk…Iron Man…and Thor...
Even though they all star in their own films…In the Avenger movie… all 4 of these Super Heroes are called together at once ...to battle against an Evil Force that is attacking America.
What I loved about this movie is watching how well these Super Heroes work together as a team.
Thinking back to our childhood years...Almost every one of us followed some kind of super hero at one time or another.
Even for those of you here who are not familiar with these 4 Avenger Super Heroes …
I’m sure most of you played either Cops and Robbers…or Cowboys and Indians at one time or another growing up.
You see...our society loves both…the Good…and the Evil.
A person doesn’t have to look very far to notice that… there are both Good and Evil forces in the world today all around us
Because of this fact...life today...resembles a battlefield.
This is a battle that mankind has been fighting since the beginning of time…
And it’s also a battle mankind will be fighting until the end of time.
As each person grows out of their childhood years... they find themselves facing a decision to make.
The decision they make lands them in one of these two lifestyles.
Slide #2 Good or Evil
Let me explain a little more in detail what I’m talking about…
First let’s look at the people who make the lifestyle decision… “To be Good”…
Since were in Church this morning…Let’s just categorize these people as Christians.
Christians are the ones who are prepared for the return of Christ.
Christian’s are much better prepared to handle the challenges that life... throws at all people.
Christians have made the decision... to look at life’s as glass half full instead of half empty.
Christians are also known by their peers as servants...always putting others before themselves.
But what about the people who have made the lifestyle choice… “To be Evil”...
These Evil people are not prepared to handle the challenges that life throws at them.
Evil people are more likely to look at life’s glass half empty instead of half full.
Their daily goal is to help only themselves...
Not caring who gets hurt along the way...because all they care about is # 1.
Evil people are known by Jesus as the (the unsaved in this world)…
And these unsaved will find out at death... that they have lived a life full of regrets.
And I promise you this…they will be ashamed of what they have accomplished with their lives when Christ returns.
You might be here today and saying…Pastor…I’m neither of these two?
I consider myself a neutral character in this battle called...Good vs. Evil.
But this is where I will disagree with you….there is no-neutral role the battle of life.
The bible is very clear that one day…we all will be judged by God and be given a sentence for the decisions we make during our lifetimes.
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II Corinthians 5:10 says...
“For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil.”
You see…weather or not you want to admit it or not…each one of us... is either fighting for the Good ...or the Evil in this life…
Because of this...Your lifestyle is being watched…
And not just by those who are closely involved in your circle of influence...referring to your family...friends... co-workers.
And honestly...these aren’t the people you should be concerned with.
You need to be more concerned that …you’re being watched and will be sentenced by the One who created you.
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Genesis 2:7 “Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.”
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The title of my message today is Called Contagious Christianity.
And what I want each of you to take home from today is this...
Every person who walks on this earth came from God and one day every person will return to Him and give an account for their time spent on earth.
On Judgment day...I believe many un-saved people and Christians alike will find themselves shocked by what God has to say about their lives.
This is why I feel it’s important that we take a few minutes…to focus on the Good and the Evil in this world…and the consequences that arise by following one or the other.
Lets’ First begin by looking at the Good….
I must say that when I mention the word good…