Consuming Yhwh Series
Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on May 7, 2019 (message contributor)
Summary: The Lord one who revealed to Moses was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. However now he revealed himself as the God one who exists always as: "I am that I am". He spoke to Moses out of the Burning Bush.
God of Blazing of Fire- Deuteronomy 5:22-33
Introduction: We will be meditating throughout the year under the topic “Living God”. He is not dead God, defeated God, defiled God. He is ever living, ever green, ever loving, never sleeps nor slumbers. He is moving, touching and multiplying God.
God of Blazing Fire (Dt. 5:26)
Jesus was often understood as mild God, meek God, soft in nature. Dealing gently, humbly and graciously. He was known as a God one who made covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He shown his grace for thousand generations not for thousand years.
He revealed himself to Moses as “I am that I am” from the burning Push (Gen.19:2). He was known as consuming fire. (Dt.4:24,9:3 Heb.12:29, Ex.24:17, Nu 11:1-3, Dt.9:15, Ps.18:8). His tongue is consuming fire (Is.30:27). His words are fire (Jer.23:29). He was a Pillar of Fire (Ex.13:21-22).
Moses told Israelites to remember the Power of God in Dt.4:12,15,33,36; 5:4,22-26; 9:10 the words heard out of fire (Ex.19:18). He who answers out of Fire is God (IKi.18:22-24, 38).
The fire came and consumed everything. When God comes the fire goes forth of Him (Ps.50:3, 97:3). Elijah experienced it thrice once at the mount Horeb (1Ki.19:11), second at his last days (2 Ki.1:10, 12,14 consumed the colonels; 2:11 he was taken up to heavens).
Servants of God are Flames of fire (Ps.104:4 & Heb.1:7)
One disciple asked to one of the Church fathers, why do I need to go Sunday worships. Can’t I maintain my life spirituality without fellowship. They were sitting at the campfire. He asked the disciple to pull out one fire brand from the campfire and asked him to keep aside. The he continued his discourse. after a while the man asked why you are not answering he said now look to the Plank out of the fire. it became very cold and ashes. So, the independent Christian will lose the power of God. Be united.
Samson was fire for God but fallen to Delilah, prostitute and lost his power (Jud.16:1,7,10-11, 16-17-20-he did not realize that the power of god, the presence of God left him).
The sons of Eli were performing all the duties of Levites without the Holy presence of God as written in Lev.6:12-13 and Lev.10:1-2, but nothing happened to them like Consumed 250 people (Nu.16:35) but the presence of God left them, they became Icabod (I Sam 4:21). If God is with us who can be against, if God is not with us how can we conquer.
The Spirit of God left King Saul and he was possessed by the Evil Spirit (1 Sam.16:14-15). John the Baptist was the burning light (Jn.5:35). Rev. John Wesley was known as a plank out of fire.
Solomon prayed and fire came from heaven (1 Chr.7:1,3) but the same person fallen to the deepest pit.
Believers are Fire Planks
Jesus came to give baptism of fire (Mt.3:11). Luke 12:49 says, “I came to put the fire upon you”. Ac.2:3 says that the Lord sent his Spirit as firing tongues upon those who waited for Him. Don’t put off the Spirit’s fire (1Thess. 5:19). Fan into flame the gift of God(1Tim.1:6).
Ps.34:5 Look unto Him for radiant life. Moses had the shining and radiant face (Ex.34:30). The face of Jesus was shining at the mount of transfiguration (Mt.17:2). The face of St. Stephen (Ac.6:15). You are the Light (Mt.5:14). Live as Children of the Light (Eph.5:8). Shine like stars (Phil.2:15). When I meditate the fire comes (Ps.39:3).
At the end we are going to experience the Lord Jesus as blazing fire (2Thess.1:7-8, Is.66:15). This is glowing and radiating fire.
God bless you Amen.