Consequences Of Gossip
Contributed by James Dina on Jul 27, 2021 (message contributor)
Summary: Gossip murders a person’s happiness. It is the thief of joy, and it disregards everything that God stands for. It is like a cancer, spreading like wildfire through gossipers.
“Besides, they get into the habit of being idle and going about from house to house. And not only do they become idlers, but also gossips and busybodies, saying things they ought not to”. (1 Timothy 5:13)
God created man as a social being. For the most part, people do not like to be alone. As a rule, we like to be with other people and we like to talk to other people. The ability to communicate brings some great blessings to mankind, but the devil also uses human communication as a means of spreading sin and grief. We are all painfully aware of the damage that can be caused by our words. The tongue is a fire and an unruly evil full of deadly poison (James 3:6, 8). Of all the sins committed with the tongue, there is one that is especially a problem for some Christians—the sin of gossip.
Gossip is idle talk and rumors about the private affairs of others. Like any other sin that brings one satisfaction and pleasure, gossip can be addictive to some people. A problem with the sin of gossip is not to be accepted, excused, or overlooked. A gossiper must work hard to overcome this sin.
Gossip is basically talking about someone in a negative way that could lead to others doing the same. It is often intentional and meant to damage someone’s credibility or reputation or simply to point out the faults (or sins) of others. It is everywhere, among men and women! Even in Christian circles.
Whether we are facing gossip among other believers or among the rest of society, it is important that we avoid being pulled into it; and more importantly, that we attempt to prevent it from spreading.
• Gossip is contagious and is one of the best strategies the enemy uses to divide us as Christians! It plays on the small (and sometimes large) thought we already have in our heads and tempts us into engaging further in discussions that only do harm to us or to others.
No one, really, is immune from being sucked into it – especially Christians! We are just as, if not more, vulnerable to and susceptible to engaging in conversation that can quickly become hurtful to someone else (or the Christian faith).
• Gossip hurts people in so many ways! Small chatter among friends can quickly explode into a much larger conversation, overheard by others not directly involved in the conversation. Many times, the stuff being talked about is only speculation with no actual proof. And even if there is “proof,” what good can come from the discussion?
• The state of our hearts is a good indication as to what is gossip.
If we are talking from a position of bitterness, especially if we’re not talking to the person with whom we are bitter, we are engaging in gossip.
If we are in anger with someone and speaking of that anger to another before speaking to the person, we are angry with, that’s gossip.
• Gossip is a negligent scattering of ungrounded accusations and misrepresentations. As Christ’s body, gossip should be far from our lips. What is not our concern is not ours to discuss.
• Gossip also occurs when we seek to protect or defend ourselves. A person may come to you appearing to seek counsel when they really just want you to agree with them. Be careful who you listen to. Listening to the gossip of others, even without actively participating in it, can cause us to take offense toward an acquaintance, close friend, leader, or even a spouse. Even when we don’t add to gossip by our words, when we choose to hear it, we are guilty by association.
• Gossip is rooted in unbelief and watered by fear. It is ultimately the overflow of a heart condition. In order to get rid of gossip’s fruits and heal its wounds, we must answer it with words of wisdom that promote reconciliation.
“Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” (Ephesians 4:29)
Can you honestly say that in the past month you haven’t even once talked unwholesomely, talked about one person to another in some negative way?
Have you, in the last month, talked to one person about another person, airing to the first some grievance you have with the second?
That’s unwholesome, that doesn’t build-up. It is gossip.
But why are we warned not to gossip? Aside from the fact that it is not fitting for God's people and that God doesn't want it, gossiping is a very dangerous thing.
“A talebearer reveals secrets, but he who is of a faithful spirit conceals a matter.” (Proverb 11:13). A talebearer is someone who “goes about” looking to dispense his gossip. He has been trusted with a secret, the contents of which can damage an individual, and has chosen to violate this trust in order to enjoy the pleasure of spreading gossip. This can damage a friendship beyond repair (Proverb 18:19). A good man will honor a friend’s confidence and protect a friend’s reputation.