Confusion..... Love.....peace..... Faith......
Contributed by Randy Stephenson on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: The followers of Yeshua HaMashiach experienced confusion following His arrest,trial,crucifixion.How could disciples hiding in fear be about God's service? God has entered into our hardened human hearts, Yeshua brought evidence to his chosen.
CONFUSION..... LOVE.....PEACE..... FAITH......
Over the years, my heart has been callous. I had Confusion, what I did not have was Love, Peace, and Faith. Maybe you have shared this kind of lifestyle with me. Maybe you had a similar experience. I do not feel that differently from other people. This is a world of hurt. And surly the disciples and followers of Yeshua (Jesus) HaMashiach (the Messiah) must have felt the same. Consider the reading of John 20:19-31. The disciples moved through each of the emotions and feelings I described as their lives came out of darkness. Yeshua made them new, and together they had one desire; to have more of God's love in their lives.
Consider the various emotions and feelings that can fill the Easter Celebration. For the followers of Yeshua (Jesus) HaMashiach (the Messiah) There was Confusion, Love, Peace, and Faith. Is it any different in our lives when God comes knocking on our door. We need God to allow our spiritual healing removing our Confusion. The focus needs to change from pysical world to spiritual world so we can grow into Love, Peace, and Faith.
When your time here is done, the only remembrance others will be about your life, what you did with Love, Peace, and Faith.
In the battle between physical life vs spiritual life, a seeker can find as much Confusion as the followers of Yeshua felt after the Passover dinner. They witnessed His arrest, trial, crucifixion, death, and then His tomb being empty. All of these actions at work would have drained even the strongest of his followers. Can you imagine how the disciple's heart became emotionally hardened, calloused? Hardened hearts can have strong walls. How could Yeshua enter into hardened hearts?
Didn't Yeshua want his disciples to be strong in Love, Peace, and Faith instead if having callous hearts? Why then all of this broken stuff in their lives?
Only the proof of Evidence can overcome spiritual confusion. God wanted these disciples to share what they knew. His tomb is empty? So gently Yeshua entered into where they were hiding, behind secured doors.
The followers must have felt quite empty as they witnessed the evil torture done to Yeshua. Is it any wonder they were hiding from the leaders of the Jews?
When a person's life feel empty and alone; God can still comes into that person's heart. It is then God offers to fill us with the spiritual resources we need to live in life. Becoming filled by God changes our focus it gives us options in life. We can use our free will to either share God's love or chose to be self serving. When we use our free will cjhoice to serve God we find God using us to share what others truly need God's Love, Peace, and Faith.
With God's true love working we become a better person, co-worker, neighbor, friend and spouse in this physical life. People after ur days here are done will recall seeing the evidence of God's love being in our life. God comes to us offering His True Love and His Reward; life everlasting.
The Holy Spirit guides our lives in a way that points us to our navigation. Broken, empty our wounds in this life are healed, our one desire and focus needs to be on Yeshua (Jesus) HaMashiach (the Messiah).
Yeshua needed disciples and followers whom could be spiritually strong. By coming to His followers while they were empty hearted and hiding, they would be healed. With their own evidence their hearts would not be calloused and they would have Good News to share. Yeshua made his disciples new and right.
Can you feel the confusion the followers must have felt. They saw the signs of His being the long awaited HaMashiach (the Messiah). Nobody has ever performed the signs he performed. His miracles defied the laws of nature. Yet the leaders had him arrested and put to death. After such torture and death by crucifixion nobody had ever rose from the grave.
All along confusion existed among the followers regarding the negative involvement of the Leaders of the Jews. How could the religious leaders have him put to death by the hands of the gentile invaders? With His death the followers had become empty. The reports of His Tomb being emptied, the disciple's hurt and confusion moved to to a deeper level.
John 20:19 In the evening that same day, the first day of the week, when the talmidim were gathered together behind locked doors out of fear of the Judeans, Yeshua came, stood in the middle and said, “Shalom aleikhem!”
God created us in the image of God. Since God is love, Love is our spiritual language. God loves us, so he sent His Son through the physical walls of protection offered the disciples and His followers hiding in that room.