Confirmation Number
Contributed by Scott Bradford on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: This is a "Confirmation Sunday" sermon
The following (adapted)was actually written by a Talmudic Scholar and takes place between Billy Graham and an Angel. Talmudic meaning rabbinical discussions concerning Jewish law:
(1) “Reservation Angel: This is the Heaven Inn Hotel. How can I help you today?
Billy: Hello. This is Billy Graham. I’m calling to confirm my reservation.
RA: Do you have a confirmation number or a date of arrival?
Billy: C’mon now. I’ve been calling in daily for nearly sixty years. Don’t you go askin me for a number now.
RA: (accent) Sorry sir. I’m a new outsourced reservation angel. I am not actually in Heaven. I’m in Hyderabad.
Billy: Lord, help me now. All I know is, I expect to be there soon and, I for sure will be seeing Jesus.
Angel: Sir, all our rooms in the Constantine” (Buckeye, or fil in the blank) “Wing have at least a partial Jesus-view.
Billy: No, no. I’m expecting to be really near Him. I’m the world’s leading evangelical preacher.
Angel: Sir, I can upgrade you, but only if you have a Holy Roller Club number?
Billy: Again with the numbers. No numbers. This is the Reverend Billy Graham!
Angel: I’ll see if I can put you on the Eschatology Level near the Salvation Suite with express redemption service and our complimentary wine and wafers buffet.
Billy: Listen, I don’t think you hear me. Do we have a bad connection? ... No wafers, no wafers.
Angel: Reverend, are you interested in our all-inclusive-package? It offers unlimited fish and loaves...”
Billy: Yes, yes, now we are getting somewhere. Get me inscribed for that.
Angel: I can hold this reservation until your real expiration date.
Billy: Okay, okay. Now give me directions to the hotel from the Pearly Gates.
Angel: Surely. May I recommend that you take our complimentary Heaven Inn shuttle. Just pick up the courtesy phone at Pearly Gate number one. We will send our hybrid-limo to get you. Or you can take the mono-theism rail to our front door.
Billy: I’ll get back to you then to firm this up after I check one alternative. Y’see I get all these” (email) “messages from my friends, the deceased former presidents and politicians, saying that there’s another eternal location that’s got really hot package deals.” (1)
Obviously this pokes a little fun, though interesting coming from a Jew, but the question is do you have your confirmation number? A confirmation number is a code, say when flying that confirms your reservation and lets you check-in.
Today is confirmation Sunday, and for those of you baptized either at birth, or just a few minutes ago, you are confirming the pledge made at your baptism for yourself. For those of you who were baptized as infants, your parents, God-parents or others made a pledge of faith in your behalf about our faith in Jesus! But today, by your own baptism or faith, you are confirming your relationship in Jesus Christ.
I will ask you: Do you profess Jesus Christ as the Lord of your Life? Do you repent of your sins and promise to live for Jesus rather than for the ways of this world?
So what is the Confirmation number? Simply, I think is could be a single word: J-E-S-U-S! Faith in Jesus is what confirms you and get you entrance into Heaven. The Confirmation number, though nothing is more important than Jesus, could well be John 3:16 “For God so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, should not perish, but have everlasting life”.
Let’s look at what today’s Scripture text tells us what we should understand once we have this relationship with Jesus: (1 Corinthians 1:1-9) (The Message)
“ 1-2I, Paul, have been called and sent by Jesus, the Messiah, according to God's plan, along with my friend Sosthenes. I send this letter to you in God's church at Corinth, believers cleaned up by Jesus and set apart for a God-filled life. I include in my greeting all who call out to Jesus, wherever they live. He's their Master as well as ours!”
When Jesus is our Master we become part of the Church, today you are joining, and part of the believers “who are cleaned up and set apart”. Yes we still have the capacity to sin, but we should be seeking to be more Holy, living a God filled life.
“3May all the gifts and benefits that come from God our Father, and the Master, Jesus Christ, be yours.”
The Bible is filled with God’s promises, and we must read His Word and claim and stand upon the promises of God.
“4-6Every time I think of you—and I think of you often!—I thank God for your lives of free and open access to God, given by Jesus.”