
Summary: A sermon written in full confession of Calvarys redemptive powers that every believer can boldly confess

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Jesus died for my sins. His holy blood cleanses me from all sin. I am sealed by the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit dwells in my body. I am crucified with Christ. I am dead to self. It is Christ that liveth in me. I am a new creature in Jesus Christ. His blood has cleansed my conscience from dead works to serve the living God. Therefore old things have passed away and all thing have become new. I am joined to the Lord in one Spirit. I am bone of His, bone and flesh of His flesh. He is my head and I am a part of His body. My life is hidden in Christ.

I am His workmanship, the planting of the Lord. Jesus Christ became sin for me that I might be made the righteousness of God. I have been recreated in righteousness and true holiness. The seed of the God life is in me. It is He that worketh in me both to will and to do of His own good pleasure for I have laid down my will at the cross; Therefore, the Lord will perfect that which concerneth me. Satan is the accuser but Jesus is my Shepherd, my sanctifying Lord. He has purchased me with His own precious blood and I am His treasure. I am the sheep of His pasture and He is the Bishop of my soul. I belong to the Lord - spirit, soul and body. He leads me beside green pastures and still waters. He is touched by my infirmities. He will lead me in the paths of righteousness for His own name’s sake for I am the planting of the Lord.

Therefore, no evil shall befall me nor any plague come near my dwelling place. I am saved by His blood, healed by His stripes and kept by His resurrection power.

My Lord desires that I be in health. He grants the desires of my heart for I delight in Him who is lovely, pure, faithful, kind, loving and affectionate.

I will not be moved my what my eye sees or my ear hears, but by the voice of the Lord in my spirit; for by the blood of the New Covenant, His law will be in my heart and in my mind. I therefore boldly confess that my covenant keeping God has given me the Spirit of love, the power of the Holy Spirit and the clear mind of Jesus Christ. I will not walk in confusion but with single-mindedness looking up to Jesus of Nazareth, the resurrected Lord of Glory, who is the Author, Sustainer and Finisher of my faith. He has chosen me and ordained me that I might ever receive from Him all that I ask Him, that He might be glorified. He has released me from every curse and His blessings overtake me so that I have a continual feast in the presence of my enemies.

By faith I see, believe, confess and thereby possess every thing that my Redeemer has purchased for all things that pertain to my life and godliness. I meditate, consider, ponder and wonder about the established, living, life-giving word of Almighty God day and night. His holy, high and royal ways are before my eyes, His words in my ears, my heart and my mouth. Therefore, I will prosper in everything I put my hand to and I , yes I, the planting of the Lord shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of life giving water, bringing forth fruit thirty fold, sixty fold and yes even a hundred fold in due season.

I am a giver and not a beggar for it is more blessed to give than to receive. I seek first the establishing of the kingdom of God and all His right ways. The Lord of Glory became poor, despised and cursed among men that all grace may continuously abound toward me, that I may have all sufficiency in all things that freely receiving from His hands, I might freely give to every good work. Because the Lord is my own dear Shepherd, I shall not lack. He satisfies me with every good and perfect gift and thus renews my youth.

I will not be defeated, for nothing no nothing can separate me from my Fathers love. I am more than a conqueror. All power in heaven and on earth is with Jesus because of whom and in whom I live and move and have my very existence.

I will fight the good fight of faith and not be afraid. The combined power of the hosts of heaven and the Godhead are on my side, I am covered by the almighty armour of God to pull down strongholds, bring into captivity every thought, imagination and reasoning to the obedience of Christ, to put to flight the armies of satan.

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