

Youth Sermon
Created by Youth Sermons on Oct 3, 2023
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Confession is a crucial step in our relationship with God. It allows us to acknowledge our mistakes, seek forgiveness, and experience God's love and grace.


Youth Group Plan: Confession (Joel 2:12-13)

Youth Sermon: Confession


Hey guys, ever tried to fix a broken phone screen with tape? It's a mess, right? The cracks are still there, and the tape just makes it harder to see. That's kind of like trying to hide our mistakes from God and others. It doesn't work, and it just makes things worse.

We all mess up. We make bad choices, hurt people, and sometimes, we even hurt ourselves. It's like that time in the Bible when the younger son took his dad's money, blew it all, and ended up broke and alone. He thought he knew better, but he ended up in a pigsty.

That's kind of like trying to hide our mistakes from God and others. It doesn't work, and it just makes things worse.

The Prodigal Son

[Read passage]

But here's the cool part. When he finally admitted he messed up and decided to go back home, his dad didn't yell at him or punish him. Instead, his dad ran to him, hugged him, and threw a party! That's how God reacts when we admit our mistakes and ask for forgiveness.

The Backpack Analogy

Imagine you're carrying a backpack full of rocks. Each rock represents a mistake or a sin. The more you hide your mistakes, the heavier the backpack gets. But when you admit your mistakes, it's like taking the rocks out of your backpack. You feel lighter, right?

So, what's in your backpack? What mistakes are you carrying around? It's time to get real with God and others. Admit your mistakes, ask for forgiveness, and let God take those rocks out of your backpack.


God, we admit we've messed up. We've hurt others and ourselves. We're sorry. Please forgive us and help us to make better choices. Thank you for always being there for us, even when we mess up. Amen.

Small Group Breakout Questions

1. Why is confession important in our relationship with God?

2. How does the story of the prodigal son relate to our lives today?

3. What are some barriers that prevent us from confessing our sins?

4. How can we overcome these barriers?

5. What does it mean to live transparently before God?

Get the Full Youth Group Plan

Icebreaker: Prodigal Son's Journey

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