Conduct Worthy Of The Church Series
Contributed by Carl Allen on Nov 28, 2017 (message contributor)
Summary: Does your conduct match the calling of the Gospel of Christ. Are you standing firm for the Gospel or being easily blown over of satan’s attackes.
Conduct Worthy of the Church
Philippians 1:27-30
Paul had a special love, respect, and appreciation for the church at Philippi. It was one of the most mature churches mentioned in the New Testament. They did have there share of problems though, just like we have today: false teachers, enemies of the cross of Christ, and more. In verses 27-30, Paul stops his autobiography and focus on the congregation there at Philippi. In the following verses Paul’s calls the people of Philippe and us today to maintain our spiritual commitment and to behave in a way that is consistent with the gospel. The gospel is the good news of salvation and victory in Christ. God’s gospel should demonstrate that power by our changed lives. You will notice that the main verb used in these verses in Conduct, which comes from the Greek root word (Polis) meaning city. So the word in the day of Paul and Philippi, meant to be a good citizen of the city-state you belonged or which we should say as Christians’, a good citizen of whom we belong.
Paul gives us four characteristics of a live worthy of Christ that reflects this conduct.
I. Standing Firm (27b)
I will hear of you that you are standing firm…
a. In the Greek (Steko) means to steadfastly holding ones ground regardless of danger or opposition
b. You don’t have to stand firm in your own strength (Phil 4:13)
c. Standing firm means to stand for God and against Satan; to stand for truth and against falsehoods.
d. You will be ridiculed for being different and standing up, but remember you are standing firm for God, not yourself.
II. Sharing (27c)
…In one spirit, with one mind…
a. We must stand firm, but we must have unity within the church
b. We are one united body with Jesus as our head and our mind
c. Unity in the church was one of Jesus great passions, he commanded us all to love one another
d. If we cannot stand together as a church, we will never be able to stand before Satan.
e. There is no room for haughty minds in the body of Christ
f. So many churches today split over the littlest of issues
III. Striving (27d-28)
…Striving together for the faith of the gospel; in no way alarmed by your opponents – which is a sign of destruction for them, but of salvation for you, and that too, from God.
a. We must strive together, which in the Greek means to compete and also the source of the English word “athlete”. We must compete together to defeat sin.
b. Often we must sacrifice a little of self to promote the well fare of others.
c. No army or team has ever won while have strife amongst themselves
d. A good team or church is one that builds off of each others strengths.
e. The result of us striving together is that we advance in faith
f. If we strive together we will never be alarmed by our enemies, We already know the outcome
g. Our working together is a sign of the judgment to come to our opponents and also reflect the salvation they could have.
IV. Suffering (29-30)
For to you it has been granted for Christ’s sake, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake, experiencing the same conflict, which you saw in me, and now hear to be in me.
a. God did not call us to suffer, but to suffer for Him by our faith.
b. Has been granted in the Greek (charizo) means grace, which literally means that God has graciously allowed us to suffer for His sake that we be provided the reward of future glory.
i. The first gift of God granted to us is saving faith to believe in Him
ii. The second gift God granted to us, is persecution
1. Mark 8:34, God tells us if we wish to be followers of Christ, we must deny ourselves, take up the cross and follow Him.
2. To suffer for God is a privilege. We could never suffer enough to match the sacrifice Christ made for us on the cross.
I call you all here today to stand firm, share, strive, and suffer for the sake of God. This is what we all are destined for.
Are you following the Word of God?
Are you standing firm and together?
Do you cherish the blessing of being able to suffer for Christ?
These are all questions you must ask yourself.